Cat Power?

Total votes: 40 (44%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 51 (56%)
Total votes: 91

Band: Cat Power

her first 2 albums good. The best being the 3rd what would the communit blah blah blah.....but I just listened to her new album again and she's boring.....and though years ago I really liked her's just real boring now. So I'm on the fence, she used to not be crap, but I think I'll give her a crap vote now. Just dont play if you dont want to. You dont need to play live anymore if you dont want to.

Band: Cat Power

she is a contagious and volatile female for sure. i have a story about ms. marshall from my teenhood.

i interviewed her once and she was a bit drunk. then she got very drunk indeed. then she said some of the most hurtful things anyone has ever said to me. this upset me something proper as i was quite a big fan and only nineteen at the time. she seemed a bit taken aback when i told her that.

when she played a gig later that night it was one of those nights. she asked if i was in the audience. she said she had been mean to me and asked if "one of the girls in the audience would like to fuck him for me". to say i was slightly embarrassed is putting it a bit mildly. in fact i was going to leave before she actually walked into the audience later on and kissed me. my, i thought to myself, i am french-kissing chan marshall and she tastes of marlboro reds. everyone else in the audience looked at me like i was an asshole. i left pretty much right after that.

now i don't listen to her music and there's a curious twinge whenever i see her picture. i wondered about all the people i had been an asshole to while drunk and suddenly realised what it was like to be on the other end.

that's my chan marshall story anyway.

Band: Cat Power

As someone who suffered from crippling stage fright up until about three years ago, when it became slightly less crippling, I did not appreciate her "stage fright" (often exaggerated, if real at all) antics. So I thought that was Crap.

Some of her songs are moving and good, and those are Not Crap.

I'm wafflin' like a Belgian over here.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Band: Cat Power

I agree with Burun on this one. Some fantastic songs. Some lifeless ones as well. Phenomenal singer. But the stage crap is, well, crap. Stagefright is one thing, but I have never seen a performer disrespect an audience in the way that she seems to on a regular basis.

crap, waffles, and hollandaise sauce.

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