Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

My apologies if this has been done.
Taking the cue from Mr. Weissenberger.

Everyone on this forum I have played a show with has been 100% awesome including and I think limited to:

Danger Adventure (ok we didn't actually play with them, but close enough)
The Suit

Worst bands I've played with?
That's tough. I don't think I've had any outright confrontations with any bands. It's usually bands being rude without really knowing it.
There was this solo guy that we played with in Canada who was kind of a pompous dick. I can't remember his name though.

Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

When I was in New Zealand almost everyone was pretty cool.

The Melvins were really nice guys.

Half of Shihad were cool, the other two need an ego check

Infectious Grooves were nice chaps

Quite a lot of London bands are total asshats to play with; all they talk about is getting signed by a major or what B-list celeb has been to one of their shows.

Popular Mechanics Report of 9-11

NIST Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster

Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

When I was in a rock band, we always seemed to get paired with krappy hipster bands who we out-aged by about 10 years (and we were only in our mid-20's at the time) but when we chose our own shows we always played with friends like Stereobate and Tungsten 74.

We played a Tom Waits tribute show and were subjected to the rudeness that was God Is My Co-Pilot. They might have been having an off day, who knows, but they were so unbelievably rude (and late) that I was put off of their gigs for at least three years.

I don't think anyone here would care about the jerky electronic acts I have been shoved in with lately.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

I always think these threads are interesting and entertaining. I'll spare you my "worst/nicest" stuff, because I've probably talked about in both of these two threads.

I would like to add Missoula, Montana's This is a Process of a Still Life to my "nicest" list. We played a show with them a couple of months ago, and they were incredibly nice folks and an excellent rock band. Salut to them.

We opened for a band called Those Transatlantics, though, and they were not particularly pleasant. Mayhaps they were having an off night.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight Catholicism....no nuttiness or mystical crap here.

Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

Ya know, we've played with so many nice bands it's really hard to keep count. There have been very few rude/egotistical ones.

NoMeansNo were really nice; Poster Children have always been amazing, and we've become good pals; Hell, Rocket From the Tombs were even fairly cordial, although Dave Thomas called choppy and Yale "pudwhackers" or some such.

The closest that i can remember a band coming to being real dicks was when we somehow got booked with Michael McDermott (isn't he from Chicago?) in Passaic, NJ. It was this tiny-ass club with a pretty decent sound system and a wonderful sound guy, Geoff, who put us up for the night and gave us $20 out of his pocket the next day because we didn't get paid from the club. But Michael McDermott's crew treated the club and the Geoff like they were beneath the Mighty McDermott Machine. He had not, one, but TWO managers with him: his manager manager and his "road manager." The road manager kept doing that annoying manager thing where he'd hang back by the sound guy and coach him through doing his job: "hey, uh, back off on the bass. Bring the guitars up." As he leaned away i leaner into the sound guy and said, "Hey, could you back off on the 'suck?' There's too much 'suck.'" He laughed and vented at me at how this whole entourage was pissing him off...they insisted on a 12-person guest list (there were about 15 people there and i think the whole guest list showed up), and their rider demanded a separate dressing room with pizza and bottled water. Geoff's owner apparently told them, "look, i'm not building another wing onto my bar so you guys can have a separate dressing room."

Anyway, they played, then we set up, blasted their friends out of the room, scared some of the bar patrons, endeared us forever to sound guy Geoff (note: always go out of your way to make friends with the sound guy whenever possible), and McDermott and his band left while we were playing. When Geoff asked his boss about booking us again, the owner said, "If you book that band again you're fired."

Then Geoff took us to his practice space, where he let us crash amongst the equipment of My Chemical Romance, with whom he was apparently sharing a practice space with at the time. Ah, road stories.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

Well rabbit man, I would have to say paying to haul gear to a show and having other acts I don't know give me a hard time about not loaning them my equipment. Showing up to a show without any equipment and planing to borrow all the gear including guitars from people you don't know is bad personal behavior. I usally find their whineing entertaining they should steal their mom's credit or card or go over to the west side and hussle their asses and buy some gear as opposed borrowing mine.

For me the borrowing experence is nearly as fun as when you let someone borrow your gear and they trash it and walk away. Had a band mate let a band borrow a guitar and amp to do a show. They set fire to his amp a torlex vibrolux and then smashed the guitar a 65 Epiphone Casino. Their reply after the show was like you let me borrow it and thats "punk rock". The pay back was a fuck you dude. It was epecially great as we were on tour and they were a opening act.

So in my book having someone tell you to bring your own gear does not qualify as being assholes. Howeaver saying to a person who is pestering you to use your gear to "fuck off" is really "punk rock".
Last edited by Big John_Archive on Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

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