Over the last few years my band got to play with some amazing people. Some of the highlights included;
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
Probably the nicest band I've ever meet. All three of them were so great to hang around with. They even let us splerg on their two-four of beer.
Captured by Robots
I think his name was Jason. If you don't know this group(guy), he's an engineer who programed and designed his whole band out of robots. Pretty amazing the amount of work he puts into all of it.
I think this is the only band I've ever heard of actually telling the promoter to pay the local bands more, even though it meant less for themselves.
On that note, Death from Above for being the only band that was actually taking money away from local bands. Despite selling out the place, I guess a couple of grand wasn't enough to support their entourage of 3.
Too bad they broke up so soon. I guess the road was rough for them.
Witness Protection Program
Its nice when you can get drunk and high with another band.
John and Toko are amazing
Don Caballero, more specifically Damon. He wasn't necessarly an ass or anything but once he gets a few drinks in him I can see how some of those stories about him might be true. When I asked him about how recording at Electrical was, he didn't have the kindest of words for Mr. Albini.
He lost points in my book.
I'm done my name dropping for now.