Obscure band name-dropping

Total votes: 13 (45%)
Not crap
Total votes: 16 (55%)
Total votes: 29

Obscure band name-dropping to make yourself feel elite.


The annoyance factor here is mostly about WHO is dropping the name.

There have been dozens of friends and random people who have said, "hey, listen to this if you like that," and they were being completely sincere, because they knew I loved music, and didn't know something.

But fuckers when they fucking name drop the fucking bullshit, with the fucking bullshit fucker snobby fuck bullshit, fuck that.
But I digress. Please continue with the squirrel circuit semantic debate.

Obscure band name-dropping to make yourself feel elite.

gcbv wrote:
But fuckers when they fucking name drop the fucking bullshit, with the fucking bullshit fucker snobby fuck bullshit, fuck that.

Aw man, I think you'd really like New Indie Band y'know. They sound a lot like Band You've Vaguely Heard Of and Band You've Never Heard Of But Will Say "Sure, Them, That's Right" So You Don't Lose Face.

You wanna go see them? They're playing town soon at Slightly Larger Venue. Yeah, I saw them last year when they played Tiny Club (etc. etc.)

Obscure band name-dropping to make yourself feel elite.

T.V.B.C. - seen 'em. Junkies. Lotta tom-tom.
U-Men - seen 'em. Seattle's Killdozer or Birthday Party. Used to travel in a school bus.
Pile of Cows - seen 'em. Used to bang on stuff and start fires. Excellent bonfire music.
Man Sized Action - seen 'em. Drummer didn't own a hi-hat. Tippy went metal after a while, but still funny as hell.
Blatant Dissent - seen 'em. Best of the Dekalb bunch. Or Snailboy.

How's that for been there / done that jaded?
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Obscure band name-dropping to make yourself feel elite.

steve wrote:T.V.B.C. - seen 'em. Junkies. Lotta tom-tom.
Man Sized Action - seen 'em. Drummer didn't own a hi-hat. Tippy went metal after a while, but still funny as hell.
How's that for been there / done that jaded?

T.V.B.C.-Supposedly straight for some time now. Metzger has been doing more stuff in the last two years (musically) then he has the previously in his life. (maybe overstated, but you catch my drift...)

Man Sized Action-Still one of my fave early 80's Minneapolis bands (along with Rifle Sport).

I won't disagree with the last point! :lol:

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