Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

Champion Rabbit wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:
Champion Rabbit wrote:Perhaps things are different in the US, but in the UK it's not realistic to soundcheck more than two (absolute maximum) kits.

Holy crap, you guys get soundchecks for each band?

Whether you want 'em or not...

Yours is truly a garden of earthly delights.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

chrissummerlin wrote:I went outside to say to them "sorry guys, but you know you broke the amp" thinking they'd apologise and instead they gave me this fucking bullshit lecture about whats punk rock and whats not. Don't you love people confusing being punk rock with being a dick?

There seem to be so many different manifestations of this phenomenon. Fortunately, most people I interact with seem to agree that "being punk" and "being a punk" are two different things altogether. Sadly, there are certainly plenty of others who still don't grasp this concept at all.

Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

the situation shwich tim and jason are describing, above, are not the same. michael's lack of a drum kit was an undertsandable inconvenience which we all were ready to deal with, though kip was a bit more stressed than usual. he wasn't REALLY unhappy about it.

the dick who (1) assumed he could use kip's drums and (2) thought we were weiners for saying "please stop re-tuning the kit you just borrowed" is a good example of how good i am at holding a grudge.
"I'm not much for screechin' about elves"

Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

jayryan wrote:the situation shwich tim and jason are describing, above, are not the same. michael's lack of a drum kit was an undertsandable inconvenience which we all were ready to deal with, though kip was a bit more stressed than usual. he wasn't REALLY unhappy about it.

the dick who (1) assumed he could use kip's drums and (2) thought we were weiners for saying "please stop re-tuning the kit you just borrowed" is a good example of how good i am at holding a grudge.

No. They are not the same.

First one was unavoidable if the tour was to continue at all.

But it was still maybe a comedically rich match of loaner/borrower. Ha ha!

To retune someone's drums is truly inconsiderate.

I will say that sometimes bands leave a bad impression even if they are decent people. Roadburn can be profound after a certain point in a tour....

Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

jayryan wrote:the situation shwich tim and jason are describing, above, are not the same. michael's lack of a drum kit was an undertsandable inconvenience which we all were ready to deal with, though kip was a bit more stressed than usual. he wasn't REALLY unhappy about it.

the dick who (1) assumed he could use kip's drums and (2) thought we were weiners for saying "please stop re-tuning the kit you just borrowed" is a good example of how good i am at holding a grudge.

I remember that.
I get the same type of feeling when I remember coming upstairs (from my basement studio) and seeing the obnoxious guy in the band drinking the fucking bottle of wine that I fucking got from a freind as a house warming gift years earlier. It was something I was saving for sentimental reasons.
Dude- "Man, you didn't have any beer so . . . do you mind," as he pours himself a glass.
I didn't know he had used my wine until later, I just figured he brought some.

Greg Norman FG

Worst-nicest bands with whom you have played shows.

Tom wrote:There is a band that plays around Lansing somtimes called Acoustic Hookah.

A reference to "Acoustic Hookah". What an irritating band.

But wait. It gets even more irritating.

Are you ready?

OK. Here it comes.

"Acoustic Hookah" is actually known as Ekoostik Hookah.

Ekoostik Hookah, people. This band chose the "Ekoostik Hookah" name for itself.

Ekoostik fuckin' Hookah.

In the defense of Ekoostik Hookah, you know exactly what to expect from this band based on the name alone. No one could ever accuse these guys of false advertising.

MARQUEE OR SHOW POSTER: "Tonight -- Ekoostik Hookah!"
BRADLEY R. WEISSENBERGER: "Well, that's that. I'm out."

By the way, and as noted on the band's website, Ekoostok Hookah apparently is "on a break". Note to bands: please don't tell me that you are on a break. You are either still together (and I can anticipate/dread future shows and records from you at some point) or you have broken up.

"On a break" is a great example of band hubris. "Hey! We're not doing anything at all! This is what we're telling you, so make note of it! Pay attention to the fact that we are doing nothing at all!"

Seriously, bands. Go right ahead and crow about your great review in the Daily Spartan. Tell me how you slayed in Kalamazoo. Send an unrequested e-mail to me about your gig at the upcoming "Jamaican Me Crazy" party at the Delta Sig house. Post an mp3 to your website of your ten-minute version of Big Mountain's version of UB40's version of Peter Frampton's version of "Baby I Love Your Way".

Do all of these things. Have fun with them. Enjoy your little corner of the musical world.

But skip the "on a break" nonsense.

Seriously. Fuck you, "on a break" bands.
Last edited by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive on Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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