son of rank: the kenny

tmidgett wrote:abu ghraib prison, which sounds a lot like my college dorm

J.B. "Turkish Revenge", which is getting stabbed in the ass by someone who then runs off.
J.W. Frat Hazing being seen by people as acceptable behaviour for finding new friends.

My Cup Kenneth Over:
Those fucking shirts that are two shirts, you know, like sleeves and a collar sewn to the inside of a sweatervest.


son of rank: the kenny

Those fucking shirts that are two shirts, you know, like sleeves and a collar sewn to the inside of a sweatervest.

JB ' Hypercolor clothing (the stuff from the 80's that changed colors when touched)

JW ' Those shirts that tons of chicks started wearing like four years ago that had no actual back to them but just had some laces across the back.

day of re-kenning

A natural redhead who shaves her pussy

son of rank: the kenny

toomanyhelicopters wrote:A natural redhead who shaves her pussy

Damn 'copters, again? Thassokay, they didn't bite on my Earth Wind and Fire dream either.

JB: "Knowing" said lovely lass and having a long and erotic history throughout all her variations of pubic hair growth.
JW: Just hearing about it.

Boutros Boutros Kenny:
Burger King's Whopper Sandwich

son of rank: the kenny

sorry, i just had to do it. i find that one of the most bizarre phenomonon i've ever encountered. it's like the equivalent of taking a ferrari and covering it whiteout and pulling out the engine and putting in some mice running in wheels, etc. like a virtuoso violinist cutting off several of their fingers. like mcnuggets with *NO BBQ SAUCE*. y'know? sorry, i just had to give it its due in the kenny.

Boutros Boutros Kenny:
Burger King's Whopper Sandwich

JB : mcdonald's quarter pounder with cheese, no onions, no mustard
JW : a piece of toast that's a little too burnt

for the kenny g money:

stealing an ATST and using it to defend your allies on the forest moon of Endor.

son of rank: the kenny

toomanyhelicopters wrote:for the kenny g money:

stealing an ATST and using it to defend your allies on the forest moon of Endor.

just better: using it to get back at various ex-girlfriends/bosses/teachers/coaches/kids who tormented you in high school etc, i.e. yr enemies list

just worse: finding out its a stick, not knowing to drive stick

kenny: the weird feeling of pride you feel for "putting off" getting the new New Year record cause yr waiting until June 8 to get the Dogs reissue vinyl and yr just going to go the store and get both.

son of rank: the kenny

the Classical wrote:

kenny: the weird feeling of pride you feel for "putting off" getting the new New Year record cause yr waiting until June 8 to get the Dogs reissue vinyl and yr just going to go the store and get both.

JB: Downloading new New Year record, playing it for friends, friends getting instantly pissed that you have a copy.
JW: Telling friends about Dianogah, and them laughing because they've been into them for like, 6 years.


Hanging out with a beautiful girl/boy, deciding that you are "just friends," then girl/boy gets drunk, shows up at your home, and fucks you senseless.
But I digress. Please continue with the squirrel circuit semantic debate.

son of rank: the kenny


Hanging out with a beautiful girl/boy, deciding that you are "just friends," then girl/boy gets drunk, shows up at your home, and fucks you senseless

JB : you end up continuing the hook-up and are no longer "just friends". the relationship is great and lasts as long as you'd hope

JW : not only does it drive a wedge between you (no longer even "just friends") but also your girlfriend dumps you when she finds out about this hookup

for the Ken of Strangeness

the part in the movie Amityville Horror II, where the demon-possessed kid tells his sister to pose on the bed, and specifically when he tells her "take off your top" and *SHE DOES*

son of rank: the kenny

toomanyhelicopters wrote:for the Ken of Strangeness

the part in the movie Amityville Horror II, where the demon-possessed kid tells his sister to pose on the bed, and specifically when he tells her "take off your top" and *SHE DOES*

JB: The scene in Witchboard II where Scott Valentine (Family Ties' Nick) fights this evil baby that obviously just this doll covered in Hershey's syrup and when he bashes it's head with a forearm block, the skull of this plastic doll caves in and out with every hit.
JW: The scene in "Passion in the Desert" where the dude finally fucks that leopard.

Someone who doesn't value the love of a good man/woman.

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