mending plastic glasses

i got decked last week. first thing to go was my beloved pair of specs. the glasses company laughed at me when i asked them to fix em, the plastics company seemed kinda puzzled too. i fixed them with some JB weld, which is holding well so far, but since it didn't actually melt the plastic, i'm afraid it's gonna fall apart quite soon.

do any of you nerd kings have any tips or experience with fixing plastic framed glasses?

mending plastic glasses

Tom wrote:Not sure specifically about glasses, but if you go to a hobby store, you can get a type of plastic glue that melts the plastic for a bit and then can be reformed pretty solidly.

Any place that sells plastic models should have it.

agreed. That kind of glue that you mix together works wonders. I actually has to solder my metal frame glasses when they broke a couple of months ago, which was messy and hard. Every single pair of glasses I own get destroyed after about a year and a half.
Existing as a separate entity from the Swede since 1979.

mending plastic glasses

Tom wrote:Not sure specifically about glasses, but if you go to a hobby store, you can get a type of plastic glue that melts the plastic for a bit and then can be reformed pretty solidly.

Any place that sells plastic models should have it.

I *think* you mean araldite. I've used this to fix my glasses before. It certainly is tough shit, but I'd probably practice on something else first, so that you don't end up smearing it along the frames. I also suggest some small craft clamps to hold the frames together while the glue sets.

mending plastic glasses

Rimbaud III wrote:
Tom wrote:Not sure specifically about glasses, but if you go to a hobby store, you can get a type of plastic glue that melts the plastic for a bit and then can be reformed pretty solidly.

Any place that sells plastic models should have it.

I *think* you mean araldite.

Araldite is tough as fuck. I'd use it for harder plastics. It does not "melt" plastic though. That's polyblablablabla that you use for Airfix models, or "Superglue".

Fpr softer plastics, I'd try a little superglue and hold it for 5 minutes. For harder plastic, you'll need a clamp if you want to use Araldite.

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