son of rank: the kenny

karate, the band

j.b. khanate, the band

j.w. i don't really know anything much about karate, the band, but i bet the puns in bugs bunny cartoons that involve substituting 'carrot' for 'carat,' i.e. 24-carrot gold, are just worse than karate, the band


some guy saying to you that he 'doesn't know karate,' but he 'knows cah-ray-zee' and he in fact is 'not afraid to use it'

son of rank: the kenny

kenny: coffee haters

j.b. the person that informs you that you shouldn't speak to them until they've had
their morning cup.
j.w. receiving a deep passonate kiss from a woman that has just finished you off
and previous to that drank a quart of coffee and smoked a pack of pall mall's

kenny!: thinking that you've just swallowed a foreign object through your straw

son of rank: the kenny

brian wrote:
kenny!: thinking that you've just swallowed a foreign object through your straw

JB: Throwing a foreign object off of a railroad bridge.
JW: pissing out a kidney stone.


The gentrification of your favorite neighborhood.
But I digress. Please continue with the squirrel circuit semantic debate.

son of rank: the kenny

gcbv wrote:KEN KESEY:

The gentrification of your favorite neighborhood.

just better = getting a pair of pleated Dockers for xmas
just worse = an annoying next door neighbor that has no intentions of moving

Please, kenny:
- people who buy Taco Bell brand products from the grocery store so they can create authentic Taco Bell meals in their own kitchen

son of rank: the kenny

kenny: people who buy Taco Bell brand products from the grocery store so they can create authentic Taco Bell meals in their own kitchen

jb: authentic Taco Bell meals cooked by someone else, preferably at one of many Taco Bell chain restaurants.
jw: people that made biochemical weapon-'proof' bomb shelters in their basements after the anthrax scare a couple of years ago.

kenny kenny ko kenny bananna nanna no nenny:
selling your dvds for poker money and coming out chip leader.
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