Andrew L. wrote:kerble wrote:Andrew L. wrote:...otherwise mediocre....
what the hell do you expect, L'AnDrew?
see this emoticon?:
:- |
it means I feel: "whatever".
But did you listen to the brilliant cover. It's amazing. A triumph. Like Soundgarden. And grunge. And killing grunge dead.
Now let's settle this like reasonable fourteen year-olds:
Throughout history different people have felt different things about the music of Soundgarden. Many people agree that Soundgarden was an archetype for "grunge" music. Others suggest Soundgarden "killed grunge dead." In conclusion, we can say that whether Soundgarden is crap or not is a matter of opinion.
Thank you.
Andrew... this all sounds... so strangely... familiar!!!
Many many moons ago, the Peruvians committed human sacrifice to satiate their gods and end the flood that was caused by El Nino. In today's modern dog-eat-dog work-a-day world of scientists, diplomats, McSalad Shakers, and Geroger Bush Jr., we no longer have access to such solutions. We are too proud. We will not commit human sacrifices. We refuse to satiate the Peruvian gods. Thus, they remain angry and keep killing us and burning down our trees with El Nino.
Instead of satiating the gods, many of these "scientists" have tried to control El Nino with "science". They put up expensive fish-attracting-bueys that run on flashlight batteries. Imagine, fighting the power of the gods with flashlight batteries! Needless to say, this didn't work and everyone died.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album