kerble wrote:Cable TV ads that tell you "Full Screen" means you get more of the picture.
JB: Being mugged for a few bucks by a retard in a wheelchair who possesses no weapon
JW: Finding out that your sickly, wealthy grandmother has just donated an enormous sum of money to a televangelist
tmidgett wrote:ankle socks
Just Better: Quietly exiting the tent in the middle of the night to use the campground Port-O-Let while wearing only your ankle socks
Just Worse: Having a leg rash of indeterminate origin that starts just above the ringlet of your ankle socks, but you can only remember having worn the ankle socks inside your house or apartment
stackmatic wrote:A rousing heartfelt round of "Happy Birthday" as sung to you by the staff of T.G.I.Friday's
I was invited today to join a small group of co-workers for a lunchtime birthday celebration.
We went to Joe's Crab Shack, which should be your first hint.
(Incidentally, one of the Joe's Crab Shack souvenir t-shirts, of which there are seemingly around 800,000 versions, features the quote "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!" from "Scarface" on the front. As stupid and misplaced as this reference might be, the shirt then features a
"Joes Crabshack" logo in the stylized manner of "The Godfather" puppetmaster design on the back of the shirt. This should be your second hint.)
At the conclusion of lunch, one of the waitstaff, who had been surreptitiously tipped off to the fact of my co-worker's birthday by another one of my more fox-like co-workers, arrived at our table with a cowboy hat and a stick horse. Thereafter, my co-worker, who is in fact a very sweet person, rode the stick horse around the restaurant as the assembled lunchtime crowd wished her a happy birthday.
"Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday, Dear Cowgirl
Happy Birthday to You"
Kunta Kente: Talking to your friend more after you've moved thousands of miles away from him than you did when you lived about, oh, a mile away from him