Bass pick up

Sorry if this is not the right place to post a question about a bass guitar pick up.... but I'll do it anyways :D ...
I have an Aria Pro bass that kinda sucks the big one and I'm thinking about changing the pick up to see if I can improve on the tone. I was wondering if anyone in here has any suggestions on a particular pick up model/brand.
I use the bass for recording only (I uasually DI'ed it).
Any suggestions will be appreciated.



Bass pick up


i like bartolini passive pickups a lot

they seem to reproduce everything effectively w/o hyping anything in particular, and they are sensitive dynamically

active pickups, i'm not so fond of them for myself

by design, they tend to produce a 'hot,' compressed signal

even if you like that sound, they don't do too much you can't do by just turning up the amp

i had emg active pickups in one bass a looong time ago, and i changed them out as soon as i figured out what they were doing

Bass pick up

suggestions on a particular pick up model/brand.
I use the bass for recording only (I uasually DI'ed it).
Any suggestions will be appreciated.

i think Rio Grande pickups are the best. the muy grandes are especially cool. made by a crazy texan named Bart. look it up on google
satisfactoryatburntsienna dt com

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