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Mandriod 2.0 you are great at picking out the WORST movies on the face of planet, these movies are so bad they always flip to being good and always bring a smile to my face. Also if I remember correctly you are quite a good kisser...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

Pass along some love...

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:mtar just did something really nice and thoughtful.

Thanks, mtar. It's great.

The initials are a beautiful touch.

kerble wrote:Michael Gregory Bridavsky! your Push-Pull handmade cd made its way to my office desk safely! thank you!

I have been pretty busy so I havent' been able to visit in quite some time. I see some electronic love has been passed back and forth on here. Salut, enjoy!

Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

Pass along some love...

Bend over Stewie, I'm puckering up for that ass kiss. You have started many an awesome thread.

Also, Andrew L (LAD), I am always further enlightened after reading your posts.

Christopher Dragon, for music knowledge and off center humor.

Angus for sharing his CDR with me and anyone else that wants one (just PM Angus)

Fullpoint for his good humor and the stand-up thread.

One thing I love about the folks at EA Forum is, you get no quarter and a quick slapdown for typing something stupid or repetitive, but when someone posts with a real problem or need, the support and advice extended comes just as quick as the slapdowns for the silly posts do.
Don't let the strawberry win.

Pass along some love...

yaledelay wrote:Mandriod 2.0 you are great at picking out the WORST movies on the face of planet, these movies are so bad they always flip to being good and always bring a smile to my face. Also if I remember correctly you are quite a good kisser...

YaleDelay: the only man in the history of existence to make out with Mandroid2.0 (of Killoggs notoriety) and Emily "Integral" Reigel (of Something Awful notoriety) at the same time. He was briefly and officially nerdwiched in public.

I think that I still have a scar or two from dealing with your loose guitar strings as you flailed into me onstage. No one launches phlegm at my face quite like you do. Yale, I present you with a firm "cheers!" for introducing me to some of the most bizarre nights out ever. If it weren't for you, I would have never witnessed hippies being beaten by a giant black dildo while a theremin played with an acoustic guitar.

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