OK. Buy my TB500. Maybe.

Tom wrote:
holmes wrote:
chrissummerlin wrote:1000 and Bass already sold I am afraid. Bass has since been smashed by new owner and 1000 owned by a ska band in London.

why in the fuck would you smash a tb bass?

Better than the fate that befell the 1000.

Well I bought the 1000 off of Chris and later sold it on to the guy in the ska band (after I'd bought another one). I don't think he uses it with them and he's actually got another band on the go - a math rock 3 piece thing; so it's not all bad!
He was quite a young guy but knew plenty about Beans and seemed like he'd wanted one for a very long time so hopefully it's being put to good use...

Sorry to hear about the bass Mr. Porkie.

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