
Total votes: 8 (10%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 70 (90%)
Total votes: 78

Band: Brainiac

warmowski wrote:When I first saw Brainiac, they were making Unwound wish they did not have to take the stage afterwards. Shit-hot, terriffic, oh yeah.

I think your flesh is separated from the sins it commits and that explains why you smile when you balance on your stack of regrets

I probably saw them five or six times. Just great. Big favorites.


P.S. Enon! What the hell happened? Believo was so good!

haha, the 3rd time I saw them Unwound went on before them...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

Band: Brainiac

Brainiac made awesome music.

This is a fucked up reason to be thinking about it, but FWIW, if your accellerator ever sticks, all you wanna do is shift into neutral and brake like normal. Worst-case scenario your engine will blow up, but that's why you're behind a firewall. Shift into neutral, brake, and be okay. Don't crash.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Band: Brainiac

Tom wrote:Speaking of Brainiac, does anyone else think that a lot of these noise bands coming out lately are total Brainiac rip-offs?

*looks sheepish*

True confessions:

I have Brainiac tattoos. I have the green martian from Hissing prigs on my right shoulder, and i have the devil from Hissing Prigs between my shoulder blades.

I can say with no hint of hyperbole whatsoever that seeing Brainiac for the first time when i was 20 changed the way i thought about music. I could go on for paragraphs, but i have work in the morning and it's nearly 3 AM.

In May, it will have been nine years since Tim died.



Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Band: Brainiac


I have Brainiac tattoos. I have the green martian from Hissing prigs on my right shoulder, and i have the devil from Hissing Prigs between my shoulder blades.


Dr Akaward of the mighty Ifihadahifi, i salute you. you are my hero.

i want pictures of those tattoos.

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