What (the fuck) is your avatar?

Chapter Two wrote:
Tom wrote:
Chapter Two wrote:It's a fucking baby

I was wondering what that look on his face was from.

We only have so much time to get so much in. I know pederasty is a crime in some stupid places, but I wish someone had have showed me what was what when I was still too young to know whether I was weeing or pooing.

Actually someone did. Wwwwaaaggghhh!!!!

Uhh.... Your in england right? Good.

What (the fuck) is your avatar?

Shurat wrote:Cleveland, no less.

Put 'Cleveland Child Abuse' into google.

Go on.

It will come up with Marietta Higg's son used to deal drugs.

No wait, thats local knowledge.

By the way

Here's the story

[url=http://www.childrenuk.co.uk/choct2002/choct2002/pragnell%20cleveland%20abuse.html]Boro Child Buggerers Widespread & Rampant Abuse Of Toddlers.
A Middle Class Person Said It So It Must Be True.
They've been educated, surely they can't be a total fuckwit.[/url]

One of a plethora of Nazi-era-esque witch hunts which are still going on in
various forms, the latest being the paedophile hullabaloo in Portsmouth
after the "shitroll-of-the-world" name & shame bullshit.

Ivan's International Film Archive

What (the fuck) is your avatar?

Mine is not that interesting/suprising... when my girlfriend's computer used to have "Windows ME" on it, it would occasionally "flip out" and make weird random graphics on the screen... this is a crop of one of those instances that I saved because I liked the repeating pattern and how the colors randomly came out... you can see parts of the "WinZip" desktop icon and also the older-style "My Computer" desktop icon.

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