EA Fantasy Baseball

I have set up a fantasy league on Yahoo Sports. There are twelve spots.

There will be a live draft on Sunday, March 26th at 9:00 PM CST. Draft order can be established in advance if you aren't available then.

If you've never participated in a fantasy league, the total commitment is pretty light (15 min. a day is more than enough), but it is consistent throughout the season.

Perhaps you think fantasy leagues are for stat nerds without social lives. Considering that you're reading this on an internet forum, I'd say pot-kettle-black, poindexter.

PM me if you are interested in joining and I will send you the sign up info.

I'll address any general questions in this thread as much as I can.

EA Fantasy Baseball

I won't play, but I'll say that of all the "fantasy" "sports" "leagues", the most appealing to me is the "Ultimate Baseball" salary cap stock market league. Instead of drafting "players", "trading" them and having the "game" skewed by someone having injured "players" on his roster, every "fantasy" "player" in a stock market "league" has access to every "real" "player". The "fantasy" "player" just has to generate the funds to "buy" the "real" player, as well as "field" the rest of his "team".

The value of individual "players" goes up and down with their "performance", so the "fantasy" "player" has to buy low and sell high to generate more funds to acquire better "players" as the year goes on. This "game" requires you to spot bargain "players", which makes you a "fantasy" "Billy Beane"!

And isn't that what we all want?

EA Fantasy Baseball

Vockins said it best.

I'm going to create a Yahoo public to play out the last half of the season. My other teams are fine, but the other managers have pooped out, so they're not as satisfying. I thought I would offer spots to people in this premier rock forum first. So, if you're interested you can PM me.

Briefly, the format would be something like 8-12 teams, head-to-head. 5X5.

I kerble myself: http://www.electrical.com/phpBB2/viewto ... ht=fantasy

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