Who do you like more?

Neil Young
Total votes: 66 (67%)
Bob Dylan
Total votes: 33 (33%)
Total votes: 99

Bob Dylan or Neil Young?

This one is easy for me. I've admired Bob Dylan from a distance for decades, but I never feel like listening to his music. I think I like absolutely everything about him except his music.

I especially like his approach to shows and recordings -- he does whatever he feels like, and if he likes it as it is, nobody can move him off it. If he doesn't like it, he might take another lap and do it again. In any case, he keeps it interesting for himself and he does it sincerely.

On the other hand, I can listen to Zuma four times running and still not get enough.

Neil in a trot.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Bob Dylan or Neil Young?

These guys get compared to one another like this a lot despite the fact that they are so different musically. I love Highway 61, Bringin' it all back home, Blood on the Tracks (especially side 1) and even a few tracks off Desire. Blonde on Blonde I also remember being cool but haven't heard it in a couple of years. People tend to focus on Dylan's lyrics more than his music, but these records are really great musically, too.

Dylan is great, but I gravitate more toward Neil because of Zuma, especially 'Cortez the Killer'. For beautiful, loud guitar rock that record is about the best there is. Television's 'Marquee Moon' is the only record I can think of off the top of my head that goes to that same place. Both of those records have a kind of transcendant quality, for lack of a better word.

Most of Neil's 70's stuff is great and his newer records are pretty good, too. I vote for Neil but also like Dylan a lot.

Bob Dylan or Neil Young?

I have been listening to Dylan's 'John Wesly Harding' and 'Blonde on Blonde' lately. Both are really great records. Also, the documentary 'Don't Look Back" is riveting...

But I too have to give it to Neil. I am always in the mood for Neil Young. Crazy Horse or Stray Gators, whatever! 'After the Goldrush' may be my favorite. He has had some weaker moments in his career (the Shocking Pinks?) but his great moments out shine them all.

Bob Dylan or Neil Young?

Bob Dylan has his qualities.

but this one is Neil Young, all the way.

Let's put it this way:

If Bob Dylan was playing a concert in Boston, so what.

When Neil Young played, I took the Greyhound from up here in Maine, spent a small chunk of change, and saw one of the best shows I've ever attented.

Musically, I will choose Mr. Young every time, hands down.
But I digress. Please continue with the squirrel circuit semantic debate.

Bob Dylan or Neil Young?

steve wrote:On the other hand, I can listen to Zuma four times running and still not get enough.

Yes indeed, funny hat man. I am especially fond of Danger Bird and Stupid Girl. I also think it's amazing that such a great sounding record was made in a small room in a rented beach house.

I went through a big Dylan phase several years ago. I've never had a Neil Young phase because I've never stopped listening to his records for more than a week. Neil wins.

Lately I've really been enjoying Sleeps with Angels and the self titled Crazy Horse album. Check that shit out, peeps.


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