Putting band stickers on your car?

Total votes: 32 (57%)
Total votes: 24 (43%)
Total votes: 56

Act: Putting band stickers on your car

If done tastefully - Not Crap.
As a moving billboard to advertise your personality - CRAP.

Since it seems to rarely be done tastefully, i'll vote CRAP.

I can definitely appreciate band stickers put in strange, unexpected places. I put one of my own band stickers on the outside of the Eiffel Tower, from the second floor. You'd need binoculars to even see it, but just knowing it's there cracks me up. I hear they paint it every few years or so...

Strangely, i've been seeing more and more band stickers appear on the inside of urinals and toilet bowls. That takes a commitment i will never have.

Act: Putting band stickers on your car

I thought band stickers on cars was crap. Until I saw someone with a Ted Nugent sticker beside a NRA sticker, just under a "stay-home dad" sticker. I then realized i like bumper stickers on cars because they are a warning that whoever it is that drives this car, should be completely avoided at all costs.
Chris Hardings
More implosion lest I need, no wait, karowack need imposter

A Strange Film - Rence or Ramos (ignore)

Act: Putting band stickers on your car

Chris Hardings wrote:I thought band stickers on cars was crap. Until I saw someone with a Ted Nugent sticker beside a NRA sticker, just under a "stay-home dad" sticker. I then realized i like bumper stickers on cars because they are a warning that whoever it is that drives this car, should be completely avoided at all costs.

Totally. Band stickers on my car are CRAP. Band stickers on others' cars are NOT CRAP because they serve as a clarion call, a shouted warning, a bright glowing neon sign that the occupant is NOT MY KIND OF PEOPLE.

Worst. Stickers. Ever.:

Jeebus fish next to Rusted Root and Amy Grant.

Dokken (!) next to Calvin pissing on Ford (or Chevy? can't remember.)

QUESTION AUTHORITY on a Lincoln Town Car with diplomatic plates.

Act: Putting band stickers on your car

Chris G wrote:QUESTION AUTHORITY on a Lincoln Town Car with diplomatic plates.

that's funny.

calvin pissing on "NAACP"
calvin pissing on "morrissey"
calvin pissing on an extremely intricate die-cut vinyl likeness of osama bin laden
calvin pissing on calvin pissing
kneeling calvin praying in front of a cross
"look in too the eyes of a player" across front windshield

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