Avril Lavigne?

Total votes: 33 (69%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 15 (31%)
Total votes: 48

Teen: Avril Lavigne

I guess I have to say CRAP, but I liked "Complicated" a lot when it was in heavy rotation on an R&B station in Chicago. I would never buy the record (obviously) but I wouldn't change the station if she came on the radio.

I saw her perform "Sk8r Boi" on some late night TV show, and I have to admit I enjoyed it a bit. She sounded sorta raw, sorta lost. What really stuck out in my memory, however, was her bland but polished and tight backing band. The drummer had "Pixies Rule" spelled out on his bass drum in pieces of black electrical tape.

Was this some sort of pathetic declaration of his sensibilities, a display of credibility--? that he's into the Pixies, while backing Avril Levigne? Does he think there's no inconsistency inherent in the situation? Does this matter? Why was I slightly embarrassed for him?

Teen: Avril Lavigne

Liking the Pixies gives you zero credibility. I remember seeing on MTV that one of the guys in Good Charlotte claims that Surfer Rosa is his favorite record of all time. Avril's drummer probably just really likes the Pixies, and has no qualms about playing with Avril Lavigne.

Anyway, I voted CRAP on this because I cannot stand Avril Lavigne, the "punk" image she tries to resemble to sell records, or her awful, annoying, mass-market teen pop.

But, the guys at Something Awful put up an article about this the other day, about people who claim that people like Avril ruin the punk sensibility by watering it down and using it to try to sell records... it made a good point, in that the "punk" image has not recently been a very interesting or rebellious counterculture anyway... the only people who dress like "punks" nowadays look like clowns or listen to Good Charlotte and Sum 41.

Here's the article, if you're interested: http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=2160

Teen: Avril Lavigne

Not Crap. I'd never buy any of her records, but I was sitting in front of the tv after
some late night TV show
and started banging out that stupid skater boy song on my tv chair guitar and I figured out she knew what she was doing.
Also tough to make Liz Phair look lame-Liz selected the Avril team/whoever to co-write/produce her last record and came out looking like a more desperate Madonna.


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