The topic is cheerleading-- NOT cheerleaders.

I do not have any use for cheerleading, for it is crap
Total votes: 15 (60%)
Rah rah sis boom bap, cheerleading is so like not crap
Total votes: 10 (40%)
Total votes: 25

Activity: Cheerleading

dylan, new trier h.s. is going to lose its cheer squad b/c the girls there are too smart to waste their time being cheerleaders

LOL. everybody i've ever met who went to new trier (and there's a good many of em) was really big into drugs when they were in high school, primarily weed and then acid, which i think stemmed at least in part from the fact than many of them had parents who (with loads of money) were in the habit of having exceptional-quality drugs in their homes. one of them was so totally burnt out on weed and acid by age 18 that she pretty much gave up all. she's doing well. another got pretty big into heroin by age 20. another got pretty big into heroin, and last i heard was playing in a way-underachieving rock band. another got really, really big into heroin and after dropping out of film school, was run over by a car while smacked off his ass.

so based on my admittedly small sample of all new trier kids, but their 100% rate of heavy drug usage during highschool, i wonder how much of it has to do with them being too smart (which, honestly, out of everyone i met who went there, the only one who wasn't of exceptional intelligence was the major junkie who got run over) and how much of it has to do with them not really giving too much of a fuck about anything, other than getting wasted and listening to the allman brothers. my god were they all allman brothers fans! seriously, every single one of them, big into drugs, and big into the allman brothers. go figure.

well, based on lots of factors, i'd have to say cheerleaders are crap. but then, based solely on lightspeed university, i'm gonna say cheerleaders are most certainly not crap. ;)

Activity: Cheerleading

toomanyhelicopters wrote:...and listening to the allman brothers. my god were they all allman brothers fans! seriously, every single one of them, big into drugs, and big into the allman brothers. go figure.

Man, does that make me feel a little old and out of touch with that age group! The only kids into Allman Bros. when I was in HS were the mullet'ed guys working on their Cameros and Mavericks in the parking lot....

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