I'm very much with you clocker bob, and steve's got a good point regarding the leftist's lose-lose situation when criticising capitalist society. But anyhows, that's just my two cents; what I find more interesting about Chomsky than any other modern intellectual I've come accross is that his politics are a logical result of his linguistic theory. He really is a polemecist of the highest order, with a very, very comprehensive model of human reason and nature which informs his political assertions in a direct and lucid fashion. That in itself I have a lot of respect for. As a philosophy major I very rarely came accross thinkers who were so thorough and coherent.
As far as I can tell, Chomsky is an excellent linguist. I find his writing pretty clear and lucid. I may even have a crack at explaining generative grammar if I can find the intellectual energy! But anyhows, what I really want to say is that if you embrace his linguistic theory, then you'll be happy to agree with the following propositions:
1) intellectual progress is instantiated in human rationality; typical languages (i.e. spoken languages) may harbour such rationality in any given statement, but it's not going to be so evident as the reasoning one might find in, for example, an algaebraic language.
2) what passes for "the truth" is more than often that which is coherent rather than that which corresponds to an acutal state of affairs;
3) By careful attention to language usage and our linguistic abilities we have the best chance not only of communicating, translating, explaining lucidly and justly, but also of noticing when we mistake somethng as true simply because it fits in to a coherent system rather than corresponding to any actual state of affairs.
From there a healthy skepticism about public use of language, accteped social norms, etc is a logical step.
I don't think of Chomsky as a saint, nor would I claim to know his oeuvre comprehensively enough to offer him my wholehearted support. What I won't doubt is that he's a damn clever guy who is worth studying, and if you want to refute him, you'd better pull your brain out of your ass.
And frankly, I couldn't give a fuck how he lives his personal life. I don't recall him ever claiming himself as a model for societal progress, only his ideas.
Linguist - Author - Historian: Noam Chomsky
81Rick Reuben wrote:He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.