Censoring the swears out

Fucking Crap
Total votes: 16 (64%)
Fucking Great!
Total votes: 9 (36%)
Total votes: 25

The old fuck-blocker

what is this? everywhere i turn, all the "fucks" have been changed into "f-word"? WTF??

is this some scheme to illustrate how the use of "bitch" has it's place? how much life sucks when you have to change all the "bitch" and "fuck" to b-word and f-word?

heh. i'm just imagining how stupid this post will look after it edits all my b-words and f-words for me...

what the fruck?

The old fuck-blocker

I guess I should fucking respond.

I made this change after reading about 2/3 of the "Bitches and Ho's" thread and I thought to myself that it would be fucking hilarious to make it so that everytime the words "bitch" and "fuck" were used, it would write "b-word" and "f-word".

I got a big kick out of it and was giggling for a good five minutes.

I'm just waiting for a few people to notice, and then I'll change it back. But, to me, it's fucking hilarious!

Just for the record, I wasn't trying to make a fucking point or anything to you bitches. Just having some fucking fun.



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