Censoring the swears out

Fucking Crap
Total votes: 16 (64%)
Fucking Great!
Total votes: 9 (36%)
Total votes: 25

The old fuck-blocker

Here is the only problem I see with the new system. What if, for some reason, I actually wanted to use the term 'f-word' in a post, as in "Fudge is an F-word, anus is an A-word"? Would the program then turn my 'f-words' in to 'fuuck'? I would hate for people to think I was saying 'fuuck' if what I really meant was 'f-word'.

I have an idea..what if you changed the program to change 'fuucks' to 'F. Ward', as in character actor star 'Fred Ward' (http://www.geocities.com/fredwardsite/page1.html). I can not imagine any reason any reference of him would ever come up on this forum. Just an idea.

Russ.. It is a slippery slope...

The old fuck-blocker

On my band's forum I did the same thing when it was new, just to screw with people. The b-word became 'big truck', the f-word became 'friendly' or something, I think. In all I think I had about 50 of the most popular swear words covered. People laughed for a while but eventually people just figured out creative ways around them so it wasn't worth the trouble.

The only one I have left now is I swap 'about' for 'aboot', which is subtle and surreal enough to make me laugh every time I see it but not irritating enough to people that they go to great lengths to get around it.

phpbb is pretty cool.

The old fuck-blocker


B-word/F-word Day is Over

Keep in mind that next year, June 7th, B-word/F-word Day will be back. Or it won't. You can go back to using all those words that your parents told you they would wash your mouth out with soap if you used them.

Or, as Lars Ulrich would say about half an inch in front of James Hetfield's face:

:evil: FUCK! :evil:

Have a nice day you all.


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