Let us see you.


Doing some face melt/slaying w/my first electric, an Epiphone Genesis. Many yrs later I saw Mark Robinson (Unrest) rock one of these gtrs.

We're probably working up our cover of Men At Work's "Be Good Johnny." And cold weather could not stop us.

And just try to fuck w/my drummer's roto-toms. I dare you.

Let us see you.

misterjen wrote:i am gald for this chance to introduce myself because i haven't thus far and i feel rude. BUT i am from canada the RUDDEST COUNTRY ON EARTH
!! that being said, here's a double fisted flipping of the bird from vancouver.

and i am a complete luddite and i don't know what i just did there.[/img]

which one is you, Canuck? the boy or the girl.

Let us see you.

kenoki wrote:
sparky wrote:

I've only just learned how to upload images thanks to Kerble's photo posting thread. This is me on a very happy day in Prague last April.

wait, is that darth vadar behind and to the right? prague is fuckin' scary!

You want scary?



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