Agreed with getting the Traynor. They're monsters. As for the changing tubes thang, I remember that Seymour Duncan made an amp with changable preamp tubes. I've never tried one, I'll stick with my Boogie.
i just tried out the EH 6CA7's in my traynor for the first time yesterday. they're actually very, very different from the SED (formerly sovtek) EL34's, which is funny, because from most of what i've found on the net, 6CA7 and EL34 mean the exact same thing, just a different naming convention. but the bottles are different size and shape, and the tonal characteristics are totally different. the 6CA7's break up just about instantly, at very low volume even. and they're also much louder. when i hit them really hard, they did have a nice thick sound that was pretty bright and fuzzy, but with a nice thick low. but they didn't do clean so much, and they're even louder than the EL34's, which is something i'm already battling... i went back to the EL34's after about a half hour or so. i realize i have the bias set a little hot, but not *that* hot. it's between 'normal' and 'hot' ranges, so...
i actually used to have a seymour duncan amp, a 1x12 combo that ran EL84's. i didn't know jack about tubes back then (not that i know much of anything now) and let a friend 'bias' it using only a tone generator and oscilliscope. but he wasn't measuring the static dissipation or anything like that. hrm... and it needed (i think) to have some caps replaced, cause it had a pretty unmanageable hum. i wish i had it now to play with, now that i know enough to be dangerous.