
Total votes: 5 (8%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 59 (92%)
Total votes: 64

Band: Jawbox

I sure do like Jawbox... Yep, Jawbox, Spock's Beard, IQ, Marillion, Shudder to Think and Genesis are my favorite bands ever.

I like their major label output, and agree, it was great... I still think Novelty was their best.

I think Shudder to Think's Pony Express was another major label release that was really fucking great. Their best one.

Never did like that Red House song, though. Reminds me of Tom fucking Petty or something. Never got the big hoo hah about that one. Yeah, soft country rock. Yeah!

Band: Jawbox

Not crap, of course not!, although I haven't listened to their records lately. I love all of them more or less but "Novelty" is definitely my favourite LP. I’m so curious about remastered version of CD. Both songs from CD bonus single are equally great. I like Jay's voice very much. Congratulations Jawbox...
Viva viva viva Dischord!!!

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