son of rank: the kenny
311second occurrence of weird time warp problem - original post again landed out of sequence
Last edited by stackmatic_Archive on Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Moderator: Greg
having a week of feeling like you've already eaten lunch at every establishment located
within a reasonable distance of your workplace
toomanyhelicopters wrote:enny-kay: being 90-something percent certain that you're going to move to a different state within the next couple months
you didn't shake "it" well enough post-piss, so when you return "it" to your pants a lingering droplet falls free, forming a small wet spot in your boxers, now, no matter in what position you sit or stand, the tip of "it" somehow finds and remains in annoying contact with said wet spot
tmidgett wrote:having to do the splitstream dance to keep the sterile but somehow still unclean product of your kidneys off the floor
stackmatic wrote:weird time warp problem occurred - original post landed out of sequence
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Kenny: The decision by the Johnny Cash estate to reject the use of "Ring of Fire" in a television advertisement for a hemorrhoid treatment.
hawking thongs
toomanyhelicopters wrote:hawking thongs
dear God! why do you make me picture steven hawking in a thong!
placeholder wrote:
buy the kentortions: the career arc of mr. james chance
the Classical wrote:in yr office building one of the meeting rooms is named Purgatory and apparently no one with whom you work finds this funny, other than you
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