Kenny: Your friend who drives a hundred miles to pick up you, your girlfriend, your mom and your dog after your Land Cruiser throws a rod on a remote Idaho highway on a Sunday night
brad! wtf???? more with the vehicular problems! is this a new car? yes! your old one was totaled!
j.b. your father-in-law who drives his mobile home 800mi from missoula, montana to cheyenne, wyoming after you smash your band's van into a jackknifed semi
j.w. you carry an old man from your cab into his living room and place him on a chair. you have to remove his wallet to get your fare out of it. you wonder, as you close the front door, if he will stay upright in the chair, manage to get up and go to bed, or fall off the chair onto the floor.
the detroit pistons' defense, 2004