best drum fill ever

since i'm a drummer in a band, i'm usually the guy that someone else comes up to and says, "that guy is awesome, don't you think?" and i'm like, "fuck that guy, he sucks..." but anyway, my thoughts are that mac mcneilly is the best drummer ever. ok, well - maybe not *ever*, but he is way up there in my book - and i've certainly done my share of copping his style and i do think he's way better than a lot of the names that have come up so far. he totally serves the song and knows when to get in there and be flashy, and when to get the fuck out of the way and when to just groove with a rhythm, simple as it may be.

i mean, the coolest thing about being in a band is the relationship between the members, and the interplay between them - if there isn't a good musical conversation going back and forth between the members, it's like getting lectured by your stupid grandma or something and totally retarded. you don't wanna be there as a musician, and the audience doesnt wanna hear it either.

one of the best things about mcneilly's playing is his ability to make such a rigid and precise instrument as a drum kit sound as smooth and flowing as he does - he's flowing like a river - i wish he were still playing out.

also, dave grohl gets an A for making the drum part for scentless apprentice a hook - i mean, a drum part a hook in a song? how rare is that? fuck - now that's saying something. and the guy from six finger sattelite. babies got the rabies? there's another example of the drum part as hook. brilliant - though it probably tells you something that i can't even remember his name right now.... :)

but i mean, do people really care about fills? i tend to think not (except music nerds and other drummers) and spend very little time on them. i'm much more interested in how the bass and drums relate to each other and how the drum parts shape the entire motion of the song... fills are just whatever comes out getting from place a to b and are like the least important part of the song... nobody is gonna nominate me for best fills, but i dont give a shit. i never chart out fills before recording or anything, or work on them outside of practice (and perhaps that shows, i dunno).

in the end, 10 years from now - are you gonna put in a white stripes song or a rush song? meg's a shitty drummer but her band is great, and her crappy playing gives an awesome charm to the songs, which makes you want to hear them again and again. she and jack know that he's where it's at, and she doenst try to get all fancy on you cuz that'd be completely retarded in the context of the songs. 12 year old drummers the world round will get the charts to YYZ (as i did as a 12 yr old drummer) to learn them, but in the end it's just a bunch of wanking. it's like, usually if regular people *explicitly* notice a drummer, it means they are just overplaying and suck - and this is my rant on drummers.

best drum fill ever

Roger Taylor does this "all the way around the kit" type of fill in the song "Fat Bottom Girls" that just rocks me every time. It's coming back into the chorus after the first break. It's the perfect rock fill, just a smooth line of 32nd notes from high to low. Ahh.

Keith Moon doesn't really count here - it's not fair. All his playing is a bunch of great fills, with a few nice beats thrown in here and there. Like 90% fill.

Let's see...

Oh yeah, the first fill coming into the song "Positive Outlook" on COC's "Animosity" That's killer metal drums there, boy.

best drum fill ever

the very end of 'good morning captain' by slint. right after the last 'i miss you' gives me goosebumps every time.

that whole album, i cant say it enough, is a lesson in tasteful drumming that, unfortunately, a lot of my peers in my area need to take.

that, and the 3rd, whatever, i cant remember which time it is on 'D'yer Maker', with the sort of snare thing with the hi hat thing on the up-beat.
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best drum fill ever

Ringo Starr on Rain, take your pick of any of em. Just classic.

Jody Stephens on September Gurls, the one at the end of the solo, and the ones after that too. Meaty as fuck.

Clem Burke in the fadeouts of both Denis Denis and Heart Of Glass.

Whoever drummed for GBV on the track Exit Flagger, that is proper mental bastard drum filling and he loses time at the end and you can actually hear how knackered he is and it's totally boss.

Not sure if this counts as a fill exactly as it's a repeated part of the drum beat itself, but Roger Palm's little skip and hi-hat "tsssch" at the end of every bar in Dancing Queen is endlessly joyful.

Dan Auld's mutant cowbell battering at the end of Wear The Suit.

Hal Blaine in God Only Knows (the one that goes "ta-ta-ta-ta").

I will return with more.

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