post amusing live videos of bands you like

that damned fly wrote:big black: bad penny

big black: fish fry

i'll find more later. when i'm more bored.

if the audio is any indication, these are from the legendary Pig Pile videorecording! this is quite exciting, for my youthful eyes have, to this point, had yet to lay upon this visual companion for that sweet, sweet slice of cacaphony.

[by the way, it doesn't work. it's not loading fast enough, and keeps freezing.]

though the T&G website warns against it, i will ask: when the hell is this coming out on DVD? i will buy one. in fact, i will probably buy several and give them as gifts.
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.

post amusing live videos of bands you like

BadComrade wrote:I've seen that Chills video before, but I can't remember where... maybe on their website, or "120 Minutes" or something. I don't think it's that "bad".

I saw The Chills at Lounge Ax.
Bob Weston was there.
What a great band.

personally i think it's pretty bad, but then again i'm generally not a fan of the music video medium. most videos rarely compliment songs effectively. they're usually just half-hearted promotional fodder. very rarely have i felt a greater appreciation for (or understanding of) a song i already liked after having seen its video for the first time. if anything, i tend to feel like videos generally cheapen songs in their attempt to visually embody the supposed meaning of the music at hand. this is sort of like what actor/director tom noonan said about dream theory: dreams (songs) are an undoing, to analyze their meaning (make music videos) is to undo the undoing. that's the way i feel about music videos, they usually just undo the undoing.

maybe i've just got sour grapes cuz that Chills song is literally in my top 25 songs of all time, but i think they could've done better -- even be 80s standards. :wink: it's very static and not terribly well filmed, and from a technical standpoint the lip-syncing is off. couldn't even watch it till the end.

anyway, the Chills were occasionally great. when was that show? do you have the Secret Box recordings? i have a song off that -- a live track -- that floors me every time. it's called "Balancing" and the recording quality gives it a fantastic ethereality. could put it on the gmail account if anybody cares.

okay, time for sleep.

post amusing live videos of bands you like

cripes, this site is amazing. i found some cool stuff on there like -

hot snakes playing drive like jehu's 'luau' anyone? wowzers.

slint 'nosferatu man'. good sound, bad picture.

q and not u 'so many animal calls'. great dual drumming at the end.

the evens. ian rocking out while sitting down is great.

the mc5 'ramblin' rose'. i wanna see a sea of hands on the EA forum. i wanna see a sea of hands, brothers.

the cramps' video for my favourite song ever 'garbageman'. probably the best looking band ever. listen to that riff. insane.

fucking hell! 'rock lobster' from '79. fucking amazing! this is the best one by far...."let's rawk!"

REM - 'Radio Free Europe' on letterman. squint your eyes - it's the ramones!

hum - 'stars' live on 120 minutes. this is really cool...matt pinfield dudes! wow, they slay the shit out of this song. it was always a bit pussy on the album. brian st. pere's kit is wild and he plays it like it's on fire.

placemats - 'kick your door down'. how old is tommy stinson here? like sixteen?

husker du - 'eight miles high' live at the pink pop festival (hur hur) 1987. what is greg norton wearing?

shudder to think 'hit liquor' video. ooh-er. bet the label loved this.

afghan whigs 'something hot' live on jools holland. i've never actually seen this band in the flesh before. they weren't....pretty were they?

'deerhoof' - some live tracks from 'the runners four'. i'm actually giving up music after seeing this band. this is how i would have wanted my band to sound. i guess it's been done now and there's no point! for some reason satomi isn't playing bass though.

out hud 'it's for you' video. pretty creepy.

talking heads 'psycho killer'live from 1978. full band, not just david like in 'stop making sense'. played at this tempo it sounds like television a bit.

mudhoney covering fang's 'money will roll right in'with kurt cobain. i think turner has to show kurt the chords at the start. both of them.

sonic youth and lydia lunch 'death valley '69'. this video is amazing. richard kern is the man. i remember this scared the shit out of me as a kid. apparently, lee's wife was in labour while they were shooting the scene where the band is all laying around dead. he showed up at the hospital covered in guts. lung leg is damn scary.

beat happening 'pinebox derby'video. sorta cramps-esque. aren't we lucky calvin johnson decided to become a musician rather than his natural vocation as a serial killer? also, 'black candy' live which makes me wonder if calvin johnson was actually just an olympian version of morrissey. great sound though.

sleater-kinney rocking out on letterman. i think the song is 'jumpers' from the last album 'the woods'. carrie brownstein is hot. the best thing is at the end when letterman walks over and says 'thank you girls' like it's the shaggs or something. hilarious.

dinosaur jr 'freak scene'live. this is just superb. it's so brilliant to watch j mascis play, i'd forgotten how good he was. great this dinosaur jr now? i'd go and see this!

helmet 'in the mean-time'circa 2005 at the rock am ring in germany. who died and made these guys metallica? i just don't get it anymore...
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

post amusing live videos of bands you like

Winona Ryder makes a pretty good Jon Spencer in this video (maybe sleeping with all those indie rock dudes paid off). John C. Reilly is no slouch as Russell Simmins, either: ... spencer%20

I love watching the German kids trying to dance to this: ... 2VIc0qixx8

I wanna know who David Johansen's hair stylist was: ... 2VIc0qixx8

Crap video quality, brilliant performance: ... ch=mummies

I heart YouTube.
"Everything should be kept. I regret everything I’ve ever thrown away." -- Richard Hell

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