2 new discoveries (new to me that is):
Black Merda - 'The Folks From Mother's Mixer' CD
(reissue of 2 LPs, from 1970 & 1972, very nice - kind of like bits of the first few Funkadelic albums, but a much cleaner guitar sound and without George Clinton chanting crazy stuff)
"Too late for the Hendrix generation and too early for the Parliament / Funkadelic generation, this group created a heady brew of psychedelic Folk-Rock-Funk of the 70's. With their reportorial lyrics and sometimes acoustic style guitar, Merda could be called acid funk unplugged."
Muddy Waters - 'Electric Mud' CD
(reissue of 1968 LP - this version of "I Just Want To Make Love To You" will make you forget all about Foghat - if you hadn't already)
"This is the infamous "somebody-put-something-in-the-Waters" LP from 1968. A relative hit for Chess, it features the exalted bluesman bellowing over psychedelicized arrangements that owe more to Steppenwolf than Willie Dixon. Waters himself complained that the drums were too busy and the lead guitar sounded like a cat's meow. Not a bad critique."
(recommendations courtesy of the super-cool guys at Vintage Vinyl's Granite City "extension campus")