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beer: budweiser

Chapter Two wrote:Yank = Mank.
Czech = erm, good.

But you meant the american one so crap.


The American stuff is revolting in my opinion. Made to be easy to drink like most American lagers and devoid of any good flavour. Britain also make mainly hideous tasting lagers.

Budvar is an excellent lager.

beer: budweiser

Rodabod wrote:Britain also make mainly hideous tasting lagers.

Budvar is an excellent lager.

Yeah, but Britain makes the best bitters/ales in the world.

Budvar is connected to US Budweiser by name only, non? In fact didn't US Budweiser try to prevent Budvar using 'Budweiser' on the labels, regardless of the fact that Budvar is made in the town (city?) of Budweiser?

Total CRAP.

beer: budweiser

Champion Rabbit wrote:Yeah, but Britain makes the best bitters/ales in the world.

Very true! It's just a shame I don't like ale any more.

Budvar is connected to US Budweiser by name only, non? In fact didn't US Budweiser try to prevent Budvar using 'Budweiser' on the labels, regardless of the fact that Budvar is made in the town (city?) of Budweiser?

Was it not a story of two brothers, one of whom moved to the US?

Did they not buy the name or some shit like that.

Either way, it's still pishwater. Oh, and so is Miller.

beer: budweiser

When drinking for taste, it's flavourless. Made of rice - RICE!: Crap.

When drinking to get drunk, it's fizzy and weak. Result - unattractive bloating, precious drinking seconds wasted pissing it out again: Crap.

For attempting to screw 700 years of Czech brewing tradition over a trademark: Crap.

Crap cubed.

beer: budweiser

instant_zen wrote:i fucking hate beer.

that having been said, if it's the only thing available, i like it to have as little taste as possible. Budweiser passes my test. as do PBR, most light beers, and Spotted Cow (my personal favorite, as it has almost no aftertaste).

not crap. unless you actually like that shit.

Mmm...Spotted Cow. So delicious and perfect for summer. When I bartended last summer, I'm fairly certain that the bulk of my daily caloric consumption came from New Glarus Spotted Cow-on-tap or else Black and Tans.

The Budweiser has always proven disappointing to me unless I am simply thirsty, in which case I should probably be drinking water instead. Dilute piss-level lightness and flavourlessness, a catalyst for enormously painful heartburn, and it reminds me of an asshole I used to date. Budweiser, you produce CRAP.

beer: budweiser

I love beer. But I've drank a couple and most people with taste agree that Budweiser is pretty overrated.

Oh sure, they have billion dollar ad campaigns, but that's why they can afford to be lazy with the quality of the actual product. You can buy Budweiser virtually anywhere in America. And with all the advertising hype, it must be amazing, right? Wrong.

It's a very boring pilsner that tastes like someone pissed in a bottle and tossed a salt shaker in for good measure. It's bitter in a rather tacky way, but who cares? With a name like Budweiser, it will always be around, thanks to those who continue to support this overrated beer.

Even Generation X Spokesman Kurt Cobain hated Budweiser for chrissakes.

I remember the first time I drank it at a friend's house. And I was like, this is it? After all the advertising burned into my head from the time of childhood, I failed to see what the big deal was.

beer: budweiser

john1956_u wrote:I am new at this and I'd ask someone to help me with advice. I applied as recruiter manager at JobQueen, they promise to pay $87,000.00/year. I would like to know if they are for real and if they are how can I get quality sales reps in China. I didn't list the domain because promoting something is forbiden in most forums. So if you want to help me out please contact me direct at my email:

I can't help you, but I have a friend that knows all about shit like this.

E-mail him directly at: king.okadaaka@nigeria.scam.fuckoff
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

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