Bottomless Pit - Circle A - Milwaukee - Saturday April 1st


Show was a lot of fun last night. Circle A is a great bar. Very intimate. Chock full of EA Forum members buying each other drinks and bashfully whispering their screen-names to one another. Funny.

The Pit's new songs are great, as expected. Andy kept zappping himself on an improperly grounded microphone and had to sing into a handkerchief.

The Chambermaids were good too. (They covered a Wipers tune!) They have this great, expressive drummer who only uses a kick, a snare, and a couple of cymbals. They're playing at the Beat Kitchen tonight.

Bottomless Pit - Circle A - Milwaukee - Saturday April 1st

Holy crap whatta show. Thanks so much to Itchy and FMajcinek for the drinks, Dave for the babysitting offer and The Bottomless Pit for being so fucking talented to bring tears to my eyes. Sorry we couldn't put on a party this time.

Do I hafta wait 3 more weeks for another Circle A extravaganza?

Tom, thank you so much for organizing these shows. They make me feel a little more connected to life outside of work/kids/clean/cook/sleep.
The cat with the toast, once it's free in the air, will float at its cat-toast equilibrium point, where butter repulsion forces and cat forces are in balance.

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