who or what is the weirdest person you have known

Loretta wrote:A guy at my school used to say that his cat would lick his cock all the time

i was never sure but apparantly it did,

Year ago in a pub this creepy drunk bloke once sidled up to me and my mate Tony and told us the exact same thing - only he embellished it with the fact that he'd lure the kitty's bristly tounge with a sprinkling of sugar.

We didn't know why he chose to tell us this. Suffice to say we were suitably appalled and bemused.

who or what is the weirdest person you have known

A complete mentalist (not in a good way) I used to share a flat with moved out (much to the remaining flat-mates relief) and left behind the following.

One jug of piss.

About 50 Polaroids of his girlfriends anus which had been taken over the course of several years. I say 'anus' rather than 'arse' since these were not casual, or titillating shots but spread-cheeked and inquisitive.

We briefly considered an art installation, but were far, far too lazy.

who or what is the weirdest person you have known

garble wrote:Certain self-centered types of people have a way of becoming a closed circle. That is, their self-stimulatory actions replace the stimulations of others. This happens on a wide spectrum.

One of the things my older brother used to do, and possibly still does, is set up toy cars (like Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars) in football formations. He would line them up facing each other and have a quarterback, running back, receivers, linebackers, etc. He would run "plays" and sort of smash the cars together with his hands. Then he would meticulously set everything back in formation again. He would do this for very long periods of time.

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