burning crosses

zywot66 wrote:

sorry, late response again, i would have to dig throughthe archives here at work and find the video of muslims burning crosses, would would take so long its not worth it. i work in the tele news biz, remember when the political satire dutch fuckers made the hilarious cartoon of mohomid or what ever that pig fuckers name is, with his turbin made up as a bomb? then a whole mess of shit brains,who were muslims started to destroy everything for like a month straight. so we get all this video and one day im editing this vid and theres a pig fucker burning a cross like its gonna affend me, the american, one thing i love about being an american, and a athiest one, is that i can draw cartoons of religios leaders in any fucked up manner i please with out worry of anarchy breaking out. that being said,i have not a racist bone in my body.

Yeah I know what you mean. Pig fucker is a widely accepted synonym for people of the middle east.
Oh wait, no it isn't. It's actually the most racist thing I've ever heard. Are you actually in the kkk?
Your paragraph above is one of the most ignorant things I've ever read.
Let me define racism for you. When you treat people like they're less human than you are - racism. When you come up with condescending names to call entire groups (read: races) of people - racism. When you say 'pig fucker' and you aren't talking about another pig - racism.

One thing I hate about being an American is that people like you are anywhere near worldwide media.

And give 'SpellCheck' a try.

tmidgett wrote:
Steve is right.

Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

I'm not being sarcastic. I'm serious.

burning crosses

of course it was racist, that was the point. sorry if you'll missed the irony in my statements. add fuel to the fire. "i'm in love with malicious intent"!
i love my black cousin and am exstremly attracted to black and mexican women. i love my gay uncle. nothing against my gay boss. any others i should recite. stupid people shouldnt breed.

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