
Total votes: 27 (17%)
not crap
Total votes: 130 (83%)
Total votes: 157

Band: Nirvana

MajorEverettMiller wrote:I did a little research on the internets.

I wasn't aware that Courtney Love's husband had a band. That's crazy!

Do they sound anything like Hole? 'Cause I'm a big fan of Hole (gnarf gnarf.)

They don't really sound like Hole, but they sound a lot like Bush.

Especially Razorblade Suitcase.

If it's In Utero you're talking about.
drew patrick wrote:Peripatetic will win.

Band: Nirvana

MajorEverettMiller wrote:I've never heard this band. What do they sound like?

Recommend an album that I should download.

Bleach is the only Nirvana album that I can stomach. Parts of it are really neat! (Paper Cuts, anyone?)

I vote Crap with a WF 1 for a handful of songs on Bleach.

I would love for someone to explain, in a good amount of detail, how they could justify voting otherwise.

Most justifications I hear actually sound a lot like this one:

thepcs wrote:of course i was 14 when Nirvana got popular so there's no wonder i liked it. rrraaarrrgghhh ANGST!

also seeing them play was what inspired me to play the drums.

If I were to argue that Oingo Boingo was a respectable band because they inspired me to play the xylophone or because "Little Girls" was usually on repeat while I tried on my mother's lingerie as a little boy, it wouldn't be long before someone pointed out that my argument was very silly.

I could argue that Oingo Boingo was a band that I enjoyed listening to when I was young and stupid.

I could not argue that it was a respectable band.

Please explain to me what makes Nirvana a respectable band.

Band: Nirvana

Yeah but Nirvana were at least an infinitely more credible and listenable band than Oingo Boingo. I disagree with your comparison. I don't think they are particularly distinguished but wrote and performed some solid songs with decent musicianship. There are plenty worse to be criticized.
"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin."
H. L. Mencken


Band: Nirvana

miseryandthesun wrote:If I were to argue that Oingo Boingo was a respectable band because they inspired me to play the xylophone or because "Little Girls" was usually on repeat while I tried on my mother's lingerie as a little boy, it wouldn't be long before someone pointed out that my argument was very silly.

Say waaaahh??
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

Band: Nirvana

I've always thought they were pretty boring. CRAP. Waffle Factor of 2 for a couple of catchy songs, I guess. I don't understand the reverence for this band.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

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