
Total votes: 27 (17%)
not crap
Total votes: 130 (83%)
Total votes: 157

Band: Nirvana

The most controversial band of the '90s is not crap, as anyone with taste knows.

The bottom line is that Kurt Cobain wrote great and melodic songs that still hold up well today. They are not the only '90s band that still matter, and I agree it is frustrating when people ignore other great '90s rock, but the songs speak for themselves and that is all that matters.

Hating Nirvana has become a cliche that people throw around for shock value and that's not right. The band never meant to "sell out" as Cobain would have said, but for whatever reason, mainstream audiences were suddenly ready for indie rock at the time. Talk about Johnny-Come-Latelies, as Nirvana had many inspirations and never pretended to be something utterly new. Hahaha.

Besides, good old Steve helped the band kiss-off the mainstream with In Utero, which helped demystify the indie rock experience for listeners who were just blindly following the craze. It's my favorite Nirvana LP.

Band: Nirvana

Meh...I'm going to have to go crap on this one.

I find whenever I hear their stuff I become extremely irritated. The whole angst ridden and tortured thing is so unenjoyable the way they do it. Hearing their work, especially the later stuff, is like watching a train-wreck in slow motion, not unlike watching old footage of Judy Garland's on stage nutziness. Acute clinical depression on parade does not make for enjoyable listening or watching.

They sure came up with a formula that was ripe for the moment though. I remember the first time I heard them...must've been around '91/92? I was at a godawful nightclub in Milwaukee, and they played the video for Smells Like Teen Spirit, which had just come out. My first thought was "this is going to be BIG!", "Elvis big!". It was an uneasy feeling, witnessing the club crowd just eating it up. In fact, it made me wonder if what I was witnessing was at all akin to what Sam Phillips might have felt the first time he heard Elivs' "Mystery Train" put to tape. That "this is gonna' be BIG" feeling.

But the music? Ugh....such an unenjoyable chore for me to sit through!
Marsupialized wrote:Right now somewhere nearby there is a fat video game nerd in his apartment fucking a pretty hot girl he met off craigslist. God bless that craig and his list.

Band: Nirvana

Nirvana were not for everyone and they wanted it that way. Unfortunately, the media started force-feeding them to everyone, which even left the band themselves bitter. Hahaha.

People just wanted something different at the time. So Nirvana went from being the indie band next door to being the band that symbolized a generation. It makes their music hard to take at face value unfortunately, because of the bullshit hype machine that never left the band alone. Their fate had been sealed.

Band: Nirvana

ReubenRemus wrote:The most controversial band of the '90s is not crap, as anyone with taste knows.

A direct and personal attack aimed at anyone with the audacity to vote crap on Nirvana... you already sound like a fanboy.

ReubenRemus wrote:The bottom line is that Kurt Cobain wrote great and melodic songs that still hold up well today.

Rattle off a few of these "great and melodic songs" for me. Please. Let's break them down.

On a side note, you're absolutely right about the songs holding up today. That's a fine reason to consider Nirvana a respectable band.

ReubenRemus wrote:Hating Nirvana has become a cliche that people throw around for shock value and that's not right.

Grow up.

ReubenRemus wrote:Besides, good old Steve helped the band kiss-off the mainstream with In Utero, which helped demystify the indie rock experience for listeners who were just blindly following the craze.

I can't express how much I hate this argument. I have yet to meet a single person, no matter how shallow or stupid, who liked Nevermind and was turned off by In Utero. Dumb motherfuckers followed the craze right up to Kurt Cobain's death which spurred new interest in the band and somehow "immortalized" it as one of the greatest bands of all time.


Let's focus on the music. It's incredibly overrated. To the point where it becomes crap.

Christ's sake.

Can we grow the fuck up already?

Band: Nirvana

miseryandthesun wrote:Let's focus on the music. It's incredibly overrated. To the point where it becomes crap.

Christ's sake.

Can we grow the fuck up already?

If we're focusing on the music, whether or not it's overrated is irrelevant. how they are rated has nothing to do with the music.

The music is good by and large. They wrote great pop songs and some great rock songs. This is more than most bands can do.

Not Crap.

Band: Nirvana

ReubenRemus wrote:The most controversial band of the '90s is not crap, as anyone with taste knows.

The bottom line is that Kurt Cobain wrote great and melodic songs that still hold up well today. They are not the only '90s band that still matter, and I agree it is frustrating when people ignore other great '90s rock, but the songs speak for themselves and that is all that matters.

Hating Nirvana has become a cliche that people throw around for shock value and that's not right. The band never meant to "sell out" as Cobain would have said, but for whatever reason, mainstream audiences were suddenly ready for indie rock at the time. Talk about Johnny-Come-Latelies, as Nirvana had many inspirations and never pretended to be something utterly new. Hahaha.

Besides, good old Steve helped the band kiss-off the mainstream with In Utero, which helped demystify the indie rock experience for listeners who were just blindly following the craze. It's my favorite Nirvana LP.

I liked you better as waltermalling.
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

Band: Nirvana

ReubenRemus wrote:Yeah, the In Utero outtakes are great.

An expanded edition with those versions of I Hate Myself, Moist Vagina, Marigold, Gallons, etc. would not hurt someday.

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