
Total votes: 27 (17%)
not crap
Total votes: 130 (83%)
Total votes: 157

Band: Nirvana

ReubenRemus wrote:Besides, good old Steve helped the band kiss-off the mainstream with In Utero, which helped demystify the indie rock experience for listeners who were just blindly following the craze. It's my favorite Nirvana LP.

You're talking about how In Utero didn't have any hit singles on it, right?

drew patrick wrote:Peripatetic will win.

Band: Nirvana

Champion Rabbit wrote:Nirvana were about as good as a band as popular as they are/were can be, which isn't very.

Tad were better than Nirvana.


:WF: 9 because...they weren't very good.

What do you mean not "very" popular? Both critically and commerically they were hugely "popular" and are still idolized by all of the crazy fans and hundreds of goddamn fan sites.

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood day but I seem to notice Champion Rabitt that you slag about 90 % of the bands mentioned here. Then again, maybe not.

Band: Nirvana

I've noticed a bit of a trend w/ people who hate Nirvana vs. people who love them. It seems that the old(er) generation, the ones that grew up on Sex Pistols, Gang of Four, The Fall, Wire, Buzzcocks, Ramones etc etc. might dislike Nirvana partly because of the fact that they took the old punk and recycled it into something new/more catchy and mainstream, whereas the younger generation ate that shit up, because to us, they were those bands. Then there's the people who just think they suck and/or are overrated.

I still think In Utero is a great album.
Tiny Monk site and blog

Band: Nirvana

miseryandthesun wrote:
ReubenRemus wrote:The most controversial band of the '90s is not crap, as anyone with taste knows.

A direct and personal attack aimed at anyone with the audacity to vote crap on Nirvana... you already sound like a fanboy.

ReubenRemus wrote:The bottom line is that Kurt Cobain wrote great and melodic songs that still hold up well today.

Rattle off a few of these "great and melodic songs" for me. Please. Let's break them down.

On a side note, you're absolutely right about the songs holding up today. That's a fine reason to consider Nirvana a respectable band.

ReubenRemus wrote:Hating Nirvana has become a cliche that people throw around for shock value and that's not right.

Grow up.

ReubenRemus wrote:Besides, good old Steve helped the band kiss-off the mainstream with In Utero, which helped demystify the indie rock experience for listeners who were just blindly following the craze.

I can't express how much I hate this argument. I have yet to meet a single person, no matter how shallow or stupid, who liked Nevermind and was turned off by In Utero. Dumb motherfuckers followed the craze right up to Kurt Cobain's death which spurred new interest in the band and somehow "immortalized" it as one of the greatest bands of all time.


Let's focus on the music. It's incredibly overrated. To the point where it becomes crap.

Christ's sake.

Can we grow the fuck up already?

Just because a guy admires a band you have to automatically label them a clue less "fanboy"? At the end of the day you are just another guy with an opinion on a message board. If you play music, try and equal what the band achieved. If not, be more constructive instead of whining about how "overrated" they are. Nirvana were popular and still continue to be enjoyed, suck it up.

Band: Nirvana

most bands make albums with nothing but shitty songs on it.

great bands make albums with nothing but amazing songs on it.

their average album has i guess about 12 songs on it, 4 of 'em good. 8 of 'em crap. so nirvana, has about a 1/3 decent songs to 2/3 shitty songs ratio.

seems to me the best songs on incesticide are all covers. and they namedrop a lot of good bands in the liner notes in what strikes me as an attempt for more credibility. this is crap.

in utero has their best songs. "tourettes" "very ape" "radio friendly unit shifter." but the rest of the songs i find absolutely annoying. which is how i find most of their albums to be. crap too.

their biggest selling album even they regard as a "shiny turd." from what i've read there's no one solid take on it. all cut and paste. you can't believe everything that you read, but this is all i ever hear about butch vig: cut and paste. also crap.

their very first single was a cover and i generally frown on this kind of behavior. crap as well.

i'm afraid due to overwhelming evidence on the crap side i have to vote that way, sorry nirvana and nirvana fans. they were crap. all the evidence says so.

first single a cover, albums full of songs that are mostly bad, best songs on a compilation are covers, blatant name dropping. all crap. oh well.

it's easier to tell they are crap in the fact that i listen to maybe 5 nirvana songs about every two years.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Band: Nirvana

Just to clarify two points.

that damned fly wrote:
seems to me the best songs on incesticide are all covers. and they namedrop a lot of good bands in the liner notes in what strikes me as an attempt for more credibility. this is crap.

Those name drops in liner notes were bands they were friends with or had done tours. IE: Sonic Youth, Melvins, Mudhoney, The Vaselines, Iggy Pop, Scream ( Grohls former band), The Jesus Lizard (who they did that single with) The Meat Puppets etc. I would of course be envious also.

that damned fly wrote:I 'm afraid due to overwhelming evidence on the crap side i have to vote that way, sorry nirvana and nirvana fans. they were crap. all the evidence says so.

Cool, that is your opinion but the "evidence" seems to be the opposite because of their success/influence and by the mere fact of the 46-8 Not Crap votes here on Electrical. It seems more people like them than hate them.
Last edited by anarchyinthebronx_Archive on Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Band: Nirvana

anarchyinthebronx wrote:the "evidence" seems to be the opposite because of their success/influence and by the mere fact of the 46-8 Not Crap votes here on Electrical. It seems more people like them than hate them.

Are you out of your fucking mind?

Since when has the popularity of a band ever governed whether or not it's shit?

Band: Nirvana

miseryandthesun wrote:
anarchyinthebronx wrote:the "evidence" seems to be the opposite because of their success/influence and by the mere fact of the 46-8 Not Crap votes here on Electrical. It seems more people like them than hate them.

Are you out of your fucking mind?

Since when has the popularity of a band ever governed whether or not it's shit?

Not always but exceptions have been made. Plus, I usually admire the diverse tastes and eclectic nature of the posters here on Electrical Audio. This is something you aren't aware of yet, newbie.
Last edited by anarchyinthebronx_Archive on Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Band: Nirvana

Oh for fuck's sake. You are telling me to grow up?

Why are you taking everything I say so personally? I'm just stating opinions and personal thoughts. Sue me.

It seems like anytime this band comes up on a discussion board, a can of worms is opened. People start attacking each other over "music," which is a matter of taste to begin with anyway.

I am sorry if I offended anyone or put a bug up anyone's ass. That was not my intent. I am not trying to state my opinions as facts. I'm talking about music. It should be assumed that everything I say is my opinion only. Great music is in the eye of the beholder.

I could care less if anyone else listens to Nirvana or any other band for that matter. I am not trying to say listen to such-and-such a band or you deserve a horrible and untimely death. I just like what I like and explain why. That's all.

And I like Tad as well, for the record. Inhaler is my favorite.

Band: Nirvana

anarchyinthebronx wrote:Just to clarify two points.

that damned fly wrote:
seems to me the best songs on incesticide are all covers. and they namedrop a lot of good bands in the liner notes in what strikes me as an attempt for more credibility. this is crap.

Those name drops in liner notes were bands they were friends with or had done tours. IE: Sonic Youth, Melvins, Mudhoney, The Vaselines, Iggy Pop, Scream ( Grohls former band), The Jesus Lizard (who they did that single with) The Meat Puppets etc. I would of course be envious also.

that damned fly wrote:I 'm afraid due to overwhelming evidence on the crap side i have to vote that way, sorry nirvana and nirvana fans. they were crap. all the evidence says so.

Cool, that is your opinion but the "evidence" seems to be the opposite because of their success/influence and by the mere fact of the 46-8 Not Crap votes here on Electrical. It seems more people like them than hate them.

Everyone knows they recorded w/ Steve for the indie cred. They wanted that super-compressed, warm, punchy, reverbalicious sound that he's known for.

Please tell me this thread wasn't revived because there was a bullet put in a man's brain exactly 12 years ago.
Tiny Monk site and blog

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