tvshow: twin peaks

Total votes: 8 (11%)
not crap
Total votes: 66 (89%)
Total votes: 74

tvshow: twin peaks

kenoki wrote:Just that the vhs set was fuggin huge.

Indeed. 10 tapes altogether.

The only bad thing about Twin Peak's is that the spines of the VHS's don't
make up a really smart picture like how my Prisoner Box Set makes a
picture of the Penny Farthing when put in order.

2 Question's.

1 Audrey. Does her music maketh the woman?

2 Which is the greatest TV show. Here's my top three in order.

Northern Exposure
Twin Peaks
The Prisoner.

Ivan's International Film Archive

tvshow: twin peaks

not only are they supposed to release those season two dvds (and yes, i've been hearing about this for almost 3 years now) but there has been a fight going on into getting a new dvd release of FWWM with the extra hour or so of footage that Lynch was forced to edit out of the film.

i loved FWWM. it brought closure to everything.

and yes, the whole Bobby side story in season two was just plain awful.

LingLing -

tvshow: twin peaks

andteater wrote:not only are they supposed to release those season two dvds (and yes, i've been hearing about this for almost 3 years now) but there has been a fight going on into getting a new dvd release of FWWM with the extra hour or so of footage that Lynch was forced to edit out of the film.

i loved FWWM. it brought closure to everything.

and yes, the whole Bobby side story in season two was just plain awful.


Not picking on you specifically andyk (or anyone for that matter), but the "Bobby" story that everyone is referring to was actually James. He was the one who met that Evelyn chick and then gave her car a tune up and then gave her a tune up and then got framed for tuning her husband etc. Bobby spent most of Season 2 trying to get into business with Ben Horn, taking care of Leo, and trying to get out of fucking Shelly (because he got sick of taking care of Leo).
drew patrick wrote:Peripatetic will win.

tvshow: twin peaks

Ok, the last disc of season 1 arrives via Netflix tomorrow. Yet I just found out that there is no season 2 DVD set.

What the fuck do I do?!

Would you recommend finishing up season 1 then skipping straight ahead to Fire Walk With Me? Is there another way to see season 2?


There were mumblings a while back that this Season 2 can be had via International means. Also, they were released back in the day on VHS -- you may know someone who has them or you may find them on eBay, etc.

However, Fire Walk With Me has always seemed to me (although it's been a long time since I've seen it) a separate entity to the TV Show. That is, I never considered chronological narrative structure to be that important to the Twin Peaks thing.

So. Try to track down that second season. If not, I don't think it matters if you wait to see Fire Walk With Me or not.

By the way -- was this your first time seeing Twin Peaks? I can never be sure how well it would hold up to someone who didn't see it early on. Did it? (That goddamn show is almost 20 years old!) Almost!
there is only one clear path and it's paved with bacon.

My Flickr Weighs a Ton

tvshow: twin peaks

connor wrote:Would you recommend finishing up season 1 then skipping straight ahead to Fire Walk With Me?

Only if you want to ruin the mystery of who murdered Laura Palmer. The movie should be seen last.

Is there another way to see season 2?

Season 2 is available on VHS but most copies I've dealt with have horrendous audio, but it's all there is for now.

tvshow: twin peaks

Superking wrote:By the way -- was this your first time seeing Twin Peaks? I can never be sure how well it would hold up to someone who didn't see it early on. Did it? (That goddamn show is almost 20 years old!) Almost!

Yes, it was my first time seeing it. I was around 9-10 when it was actually on the air.

I think it's held up amazingly well and I'm not much of a Lynch fan either. Really slick production values. This Coop guy...what a completely original leading man!

I love that scene where they walk into the vet's office and the llama walks past him and sticks its face in his. Coop/MacLachlan doesn't so much as flinch and stares straight into the llama's eyes, only inches from his own. The llama huffs at him then walks away and MacLachlan continues the scene. One complete take. You can actually see the woman playing the receptionist in the background completely guffaw then regain her composure (she's out of focus in the background, but it's still very clear) when she realizes MacLachlan's just gonna keep going. That Kyle MacLachlan: what a pro!

And oh Christ, that waitress? Leo's gal? So many hot women on this show.

Last disc arrives tomorrow. I want to see more Bob.

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