conspiracy theories

Total votes: 24 (47%)
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Total votes: 27 (53%)
Total votes: 51

Explanation: conspiracy theories

By definition, a conspiracy is something that is, at some point, behind the scenes or beyond the scope of empiricism. Like religious faith, its existence can be neither entirely proven or disproven. People who want to believe in Lenin or Jesus of Nazareth will do so regardless of compelling evidence to the contrary.

How can capitalism be a conspirarcy? It is the dominant economic system on the planet?

ClockerBob, can you expand on the Jewish banking thing? I am confused?
Clearly you recognize that Jews were limited to a few fields by the Church and crowns of Europe for nearly 2,000 years.

I haven't read the entirety of this thread but is there a defintion somewhere?

Explanation: conspiracy theories

Rick Reuschel wrote:

How can capitalism be a conspirarcy?

According to Bob there is a secret fraternity, or a few of them, that invented capitalism and manage all its major operations, with increasing control, to this day.

Political movements and wars and ideologies and civil societies, etc, are all epiphenomenal to the secret coterie of elites that orchestrate the whole thing.

Neat stuff. Jewish bankers are said to be involved.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

As a sometime Member of the Tribe I keep waiting for all this financial largesse to trickle down to me.

My point was to highlight the relationship between Jews and financial institutions of Europe was the result of specific historical factors determined by institutions in power (the Catholic Church primarily) not the result of a genetic predisposition toward wealth and stinginess or a secret cabal of elites.

Clocker Bob please expand on your comment earlier.

The Protocols is not an acceptable source though.

Power and wealth does not make a conspiracy.
MajorEverettMiller wrote:Obviously, the answer is Phil Lynott.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

Rick Reuschel wrote:As a sometime Member of the Tribe I keep waiting for all this financial largesse to trickle down to me.

My point was to highlight the relationship between Jews and financial institutions of Europe was the result of specific historical factors determined by institutions in power (the Catholic Church primarily) not the result of a genetic predisposition toward wealth and stinginess or a secret cabal of elites.

Clocker Bob please expand on your comment earlier.

The Protocols is not an acceptable source though.

Power and wealth does not make a conspiracy.

My expansion is looming, as real life permits. Wednesday at the earliest.

My initial salvo will be an attempt to demonstrate that the US Federal Reserve is a private corporation, and that its origin and practices are grossly misunderstood by nearly all Americans.

If that premise has any traction with the skeptics, I will attempt to show that the central bank is the conduit to organizations such as the Freemasons and the Bavarian Illuminati and the Vatican.

The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion will not be a source.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

Conspiracy theories are fun. Does that mean I believe every single of them? No. But skeptics are boring. Open your mind and be entertained. That's all some conspiracy theories ask, as when you are watching a documentary.

They are there to play Devil's Advocate and offer a different and often more extreme view. It's called freedom of expression and it is fine here in America the last time I checked.

I for one, believe in ghosts, due to first-hand experiences I have had. I don't expect anyone to believe me and I don't even really care if anyone laughs or takes me seriously. I realize that some people will never believe something until they have experienced it first hand. And I have, but I will not bore people with the details here. It's about seeing, feeling or hearing something you know makes no logical sense whatsover. If you have never have had a supernatural experience, I would not expect you to believe me at all. Until it happened to me, I was a total skeptic myself.

I also enjoy other conspiracy theories because they are there for the same reason the others are here. In other words, can you answer inexplainable questions about controversial issues. For instance, the blasphemous murder theories of Kurt Cobain, events in the Burmuda Triangle or the building of the pyramids. If you ask me, the world is a stranger place than we think and truth is stranger than fiction. I don't think humans are capable of understanding everything that easily. Often, conspiracy theories are just a quest for more knowledge.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

clocker bob wrote:My initial salvo will be an attempt to demonstrate that the US Federal Reserve is a private corporation, and that its origin and practices are grossly misunderstood by nearly all Americans.

I had a friend in DC that used to talk about this same thing. Last I heard, he had quit his job and was making his entire livelihood trading gold.

He told me one time about how the gold in Fort Knox had its status changed from "US ownership" to "US custodialship", and that we no longer own it but rather are holding it for the Germans.

I never had any interest in the economic side of the conspiracy stuff. I hate economics and money matters in general.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Explanation: conspiracy theories

scott wrote:
clocker bob wrote:My initial salvo will be an attempt to demonstrate that the US Federal Reserve is a private corporation, and that its origin and practices are grossly misunderstood by nearly all Americans.

I had a friend in DC that used to talk about this same thing. Last I heard, he had quit his job and was making his entire livelihood trading gold.

He told me one time about how the gold in Fort Knox had its status changed from "US ownership" to "US custodialship", and that we no longer own it but rather are holding it for the Germans.

I never had any interest in the economic side of the conspiracy stuff. I hate economics and money matters in general.

So Scott, do you think Auric Goldfinger could have pulled off that job if it hadn't been for James Bond?

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