Bear Claw - MP3 (new recording done in Studio B with Steve).

Hello all,

My name is Scott and I'm from a Chicago area band by the name of Bear Claw. We recently recorded our full length at Electrical in studio B with Steve and I wanted to share an MP3 of one of the songs by the name of "Jigsaw" with you. This song will be part of our full length CD which will be coming out in October on Sick Room Records ( Here's the link to the MP3:

In case you've never heard of us before were a 3 peice band consisting of two bass guitars and drums. Were really happy with the recording and just wanted to say thanks again to Steve and everyone at Electrical. It was most enjoyable. Hope you enjoy,

Bear Claw

ps - It was mastered at John Golden Mastering by John Golden. Also, I know that MP3's our average sounding at best but what the hell its free and its the internet...

Bear Claw - MP3 (new recording done in Studio B with Steve).

This is exactly the type of informational post that I love.

Scott Picco is fired up about his band and wants to share it with the world. That's great. I've met Scott and he strikes me as a nice guy.

Anyway, I happen to like rock band Bear Claw. Maybe you will, too. Or maybe you won't. But how would ever know unless Young Mr. Picco had the stones to post a new topic about his own little band?

I say "salut" to you, Mr. Scott. Good for you. I will gladly listen to your rock music.

Bear Claw - MP3 (new recording done in Studio B with Steve).


Scott here from Bear Claw. Yeah the whole thing is live except for vocals. There was a punch now and again to fix things but thoes were few and far between none in this song. No overdubs expect for vocals. As far as micing goes I don't know all of the exact mics used so I'm just not going to try and guess. One thing I mention if you interested in the drum sound is that the kit is a 74 Vistalite with 14, 16, 18 toms and a 26x14 kick. Two mics on the basses, I do know that a lot of thoes Josephson E22's were used on a lot of stuff. Thoes mics rule. Anyway, thanks for listening and if your in the Chicago area we play now and again so check us out if your in the mood. Thanks,

Bear Claw

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