(A little fascinating factoid: Readers may already know this from the movie with the title that relates to the fact that when a person dies, they weigh 21 grams less than they did when they were alive. Some would say that this is the soul leaving the body. I'm not sure what the scientific explanation for this is. I would like to know.)
The weight of a lungful of air.
Is that a fact or just a guess? You would think that would have been taken into consideration before such an idea were expressed. And don't people have different size lungs? So wouldn't the weight in grams vary according to the size of the person?
If you want to convince me there is something I cannot encounter in the natural world I inhabit, you are welcome to try, and I am open to learning about it. So far everything I have heard about a world beyond the natural one has been pure bullshit, and I don't expect your arguments to be significantly different.
I have never seen China, but I know that it exists because evidence in the form of pictures, tv, books, and people who have told me it exists. I believe God exists for that exact same reason. The only idea that separates my kind of belief in China and my belief in God is the reality presented to us by science, which we all know is not infallible. If you want to base your belief and stake your existence on something that is as subject to change as science, that is of course your decision. Although to say it is complete bullshit is a bit arrogant and perhaps verging on close-minded. I feel the same way about evolution, so I guess I'm close-minded and arrogant too, except that I have at one time learned and considered evolution as a possiblity, its just that evolution seems so much more unlikely and implausible than there being an intelligent designer from my point of view.
I forget how long ago, but a long time ago, science believed the earth was flat, even as the Bible, which predated this notion, said otherwise. At this same time, there were many science-based European thinkers who would tell you the world was flat would also tell you that there was no such place as China or the New World. It was only through exploration and searching that the New World was found as well that the earth was found to be round much to the dismay of scientists and some theolosophers alike, I imagine.
From what I understand, the more a person reads and studies something the more likely they are to subscribe to it. This, I suppose, is akin if not in itself a form of indoctrination, but does not science and religion both suffer from this characteristic?
I believe in God, not necessarily because I was told to, but because of personal evidence that I have gathered with my own perception and experiences, just as science has with its own perception and experiences, both of our perceptions flawed and imperfect, but I no longer see how there couldn't be a higher power given the complexity of something as simple as an eyeball.
The difference between my faith and science is that there is no way for me to show you physical evidence of my faith no more than I can show you my feelings or thoughts except as to express them through the format of writing, singing, dancing, art, sex, talking, and everything else. Can I prove happiness? Can I prove sadness? Yet, these are accepted as real.
Just because something can't be proven scientifically doesn't mean it can't be real. I guess thats the main thing I am getting at. I apologize if I seem as though I am coming across as self-righteous or "in the know", I'm just as much a fool as the next fool which is you too. In a totally non-gay way, love ya'.