When you say you believe in the supernatural, I think that you are putting your hands down and saying that the world is beyond understanding. But it's ok, because there's something else out there which does understand and everything is ultimately under control.
I understand this viewpoint and I sympathise with it. It is very comforting. However, I think that it is purely a function of the human mind to protect us from the somewhat bleak truth that faces us without faith in the irrational. I was lucky enough to be a (poor) student of Peter Atkins, who made very plain the direction that the
Second Law of Thermodynamics takes the universe: an eventual, blank sheet of radiation. It's an elegant proof, if somewhat chilly.
A frequent exhortation I see from churches around here is to "Spread the good news", which I think is the main attraction. It would be very comforting to have someone watching over us all and making sure that eventually, everything turns out for the best. If you could excise all the unpleasantness in most religious texts (which seem to have been written at least in part by some slightly messed up men), then this would indeed be good news. I'd love to believe it. But nothing has ever indicated to me that it is anything other than wishful thinking. People who I love dearly hold to these concepts, they're probably smarter than me. But the times that we've challenged each other on this it has always come down to their
feeling there's more. These feelings can be respected, but I think it's just an automatic process in our brains.
Regardless, Happy Easter!
(For anyone wanting to jump out and claim that the tendency to disorder stated by the Second Law contradicts evolution,
here's why it doesn't.)