Pass along some love...

Man this weekend was awesome. You guys are so great and I have to say my biggest thank you and love goes to the Itchy Mcgoo for being the one I'll always follow around like a puppy 'cause I know she knows where the fun is.

Salut Itchy!

I am your puppy!

(PS.I have a crush on Brett, and Randall.)
The cat with the toast, once it's free in the air, will float at its cat-toast equilibrium point, where butter repulsion forces and cat forces are in balance.

Pass along some love...

Ike wrote:I would like to thank the Bitter Tears for blowing my mind this weekend.

Seconded. So great. More bands should have this much fun. More bands should shun pants.

Friday was an ass-y day for me. You folks kept me in stitches and beers. EA people, you are a supremely decent and generous lot. It was nice to enjoy the company of so many of you.

I liked watching Rachael charming peoples pants off with no voice. squeeeeeeeeak, sip, squeak.

Randall, thank you for thinking I'm bumble. I find this intensely flattering, as bumble is a scientific wonder, equal parts hot and cool.

Angus Jung! We talked on the phones while I was at a rock show in Chicago, Italia, and you were at a rock show in Oakland, Italia! Was like you were here, my so good friend!

Andyk-thank you for the Easter ham. bff!

FJMacinek-thank you for the 2,847 drinks. And for having a worse tattoo than I do.

Badcomrade - I owe you dinner. Come hungry, bring your large man and watch me eat more than both of you combined.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

Pass along some love...

itchy mcgoo wrote:FJMacinek-thank you for the 2,847 drinks. And for having a worse tattoo than I do.

Hey, you were the only one there keeping up with my alchoholism. And you were so shy.

Seriously, though. Thanks to all I've met, finally. Faiz and Brad and Brett and Itchy and Bumble and Randall and Rachael and every single one of you. Amazingly kind people, not an asshole in the bunch. What planet are you people from? Can I visit there, once baseball season's over?

Pass along some love...

itchy mcgoo wrote:Angus Jung! We talked on the phones while I was at a rock show in Chicago, Italia, and you were at a rock show in Oakland, Italia! Was like you were here, my so good friend!

It really was, Signorina McGoozionni.

I could smell the mayo.

Pass along some love...

BadComrade wrote:I have to pass along some love to Itchy McGoo for "outing" me at the church and at Tecalitlan.

haha! the reason you were outed at the church was itchy mentioned that there was some graffiti in a ladies room that said "itchy mcgoo"--that's it. nothing else. and I said: "It was probably Chris Hall."

"oh! he's here! he's my friend! wanna meet him?"

so great.

Salut! Chris.
kerble is right.

Pass along some love...

Rob was in town?

I like Steve cause he made my life better, and is someone who I believe would never lie to me. I like the company of people who make things happen.

I have no business ever being at Electrical, but when I am I know Chad, Russ, Greg, and John will be friendly to me. They always have lots to talk about, and I always wish I had more time to do that sort of thing. Rob B. was that way too. I am going to have to start throwing parties more often, and get you guys invited.

Mr. Hall can take a punch, and is a generous sort. Caustic, and willing to fuck with complete strangers in a fearless way. He has always been friendly to me, even in circumstances where I would not be offended if he were to keep his distance.

Bumble and Linus can be counted upon to disagree with me often and politely. I have reason to believe they are both physically attractive.

I always read Rachel's posts whenever I see her name, even in the threads I otherwise have no interest in. The same with Kerble, towards whom I feel inexplicably friendly.

Mandroid is funny, and a friend of my friends, which makes me want good things for her. Fierce girls are a pleasure.

Jay Ryan and Jason are not seen enough by me, and I am grateful this forum gives me a bit of interaction with them again. I trust them with keys to my house forever. I live in fear that they will move away.

Mr. Stack belongs anywhere he wants to be. For awhile, he seemed to be everywhere I looked, but just out of sight. I was seriously confused by the fact that he knew everyone around me, but I had no clue who he was. Now he is a superstar and I am hoping to bask in his aura.

I think of Jodi often, and appreciate her friendship. I never managed to meet up with her when I was in NY, but it was not for lack of trying. I made embarrassing phone calls to people who no longer remembered me trying to track her down. Thanks to Electrical, I am sure this won't ever be a problem again. She likes Das Damen, which is the flaw that keeps her from being an affront to God.

tmidgett consistently knows more about the bands that I think I know everything about, and is gentle in his corrections. Plus he looks comfortable and happy around children, which I have come to appreciate. I was at his house once, and he was a generous host.

Rob warmowski is someone I would like to know better. We have similar interests and I think he is swell. He knows more about DEVO than you do.

I did not know Spoot beyond seeing him play, and meeting him once. I think of him often now tho, and was humbled to see how much people loved him. I wonder where his drums went.

Sometimes I worry that I know some of you, but don't recognize you behind your funny names. If I know you, I probably like you too.

I could probably keep on going forever. As far as I can tell, Matthew is the only one on the forum whom I wish would shut up.

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