rewrote my website -- need your advice-help...

hey all --

need a quick favor... i redid my website and i want to check a couple of things:

1) how rough are the load times -- i'm a complete novice when it comes to this sort of stuff - not sure if the filesizes are too large etc...

2) what fonts appear on the preloader page/mp3 page -- i forgot that not everyone has the neutraface font when i put this thing together - curious to find out what the default font is.

i'd do this stuff at my job but i'm sick as hell - any input or additional criticisms/comment totally appreciated. thanks.
silver wonder

rewrote my website -- need your advice-help...

the loading times are ok,
i have a problem when you load each section, the first time when the background image appear it CRAWLS, then when you close it it closes really fast. btw, this happens in all sections, while the background-image is always the same.
also, i sent a mail to you without writing anything by mistake, you should put some sort of block that doesnt enable you to send the mail without filling the form.
s.f.m.c.e --> sorry for my crappy english

rewrote my website -- need your advice-help...

si-maro wrote:I can't see the writing in the pop-up "purchases" box very clearly at all I'm afraid

yeah, it's dim. probably a subconscious reaction to the blatant pitch...

Maurice wrote:the font does seem to be embedded in your .swf

it is, except for the preloader (which you may not have even seen due to the speed of yr connection) and the mp3 playlist... i don't think that there's a way to embed the font in either one of these as they're not fixed w/in the swf...

Saturday wrote:when the background image appears it CRAWLS, then when you close it it closes really fast.

is anyone else having a problem with this - the main swf is calling additional swfs on button release - wondering if those additional ones also need tiny preloaders... what is your connection speed?

Saturday wrote:you should put some sort of block that doesnt enable you to send the mail without filling the form

yes i should. absolutely.

kerble wrote:I would recommend adding stuff from this thread.

that is a wonderful horrid idea. oh dude - go to my mp3 page and you can totally check out my big black/paper lace mashup "dead billy don't be a hero."
silver wonder

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