Singers who can t sing

crap your pants and say blah dude
Mineral/Gloria Record dude
Kim Gordon
Billy "oh god please kill him" Corgon
Al from US Maple/Shorty
Phantom 309 singer
all stoner rock/druid metal singers
brian jonestown meth head
rob from 90 day men (so good though)
andy from 90 day men (no comment)
Dead Meadow singer
Witch singer

jesus...the list could go on. 90% of all the bands i like have vocalists that would likely be shot by real singers.
ABC Group Documentation>New Music For Working People

Singers who can t sing

rotten my ?'s and what i was told...singers who would get kicked out of voice lessons...that means to me singers who have shitty voices but can sing.

axl rose's voice is terrible, but goddamn he can sing.

tom waits can "sing." i love me some tom waits, but he definitely does not have a beautiful voice in any traditional sense., even though i love him, i'm still gonna argue that he's not a singer. a vocalist, yes. a singer...i beg to differ.
ABC Group Documentation>New Music For Working People

Singers who can t sing

Shaun Ryder ex of Happy Mondays - has got that total "I took far far too many drugs and can now barely talk" thing, as has Mark E. Smith now (mentioned earlier) which is a shame, because he was a great vocalist.
Also Wayne Coyne has a similar sound where its like they're really really straining to even get any sound out, and it makes my skin crawl sometimes.

Singers who can t sing

abcgroupdocumentation wrote:

whats her face from Bardo Pond...

Isobel, she's from N.Jersey, what do you expect.

I'll add Eric Bachman from the archers of loaf. He can't sing but then he's my inspiration for getting up on stage
Ty Webb wrote:I hope the little-known 8th dwarf, Chinky, is on that list.

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