Wow is this racist?

"Racist" is a strong word. I don't know if this qualifies. I do disagree with Bush. I do think anybody who wants to live in the US should learn English, but not out of principle, but out of practicality, the same way anybody who wants to live in the US should learn anything you need to get along, and the same way anybody who lives in any country should learn the predominant language of that country. I don't have a problem with the national anthem's being translated into any language you want, especially Spanish, which is spoken by many Americans.
Why do you make it so scary to post here.

Wow is this racist?

Jeremy wrote:I can't tell. ... index.html

I was under the impression that our country had a reputation as the 'melting pot' of all different cultures/nations.

It's a melting pot, sure. All kinds of people all over the place. But we, like every other country have immigration laws. You have to go through a process. Just like anywhere else.
Crawling under a fence, getting a job, leeching off the system but paying zero taxes toward that system. Bullshit.

Fuck this illegal immigrant uprising bullshit.
Their only argument is that they don't feel like paying taxes.
They wanna come here and get all the benefits of being a citizen, but they don't wanna pay taxes.
Well, I don't wanna pay fucking taxes either!
Fuck you, illegal immigrants.
Get in line and fill out your paperwork like everyone else has had to do.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Wow is this racist?

you know it takes over 15 years to get citizenship in this country? It's not like they're getting hired as CEO's, dude. shit menial labor that people don't want. I don't resent them for wanting a shit job here, I resent the companies making a quick buck off their desire. it's those people that shave a bunch off of taxes.

I'd bet the average company that hires a bunch of immigrants saves a bundle on taxes. definitely more than a taxed yard-worker. fuck them, instead.
kerble is right.

Wow is this racist?

kerble wrote:you know it takes over 15 years to get citizenship in this country? It's not like they're getting hired as CEO's, dude. shit menial labor that people don't want. I don't resent them for wanting a shit job here, I resent the companies making a quick buck off their desire. it's those people that shave a bunch off of taxes.

I'd bet the average company that hires a bunch of immigrants saves a bundle on taxes. definitely more than a taxed yard-worker. fuck them, instead.

Go to any construction site and start checking green cards.
Bricklayers, Electrical work, landscaping. Try and get a house built without half the crew either being illegal Irish or Mexicans.
Those are the previously high paying jobs people want and they can't get because some fucking illegal will do it for 5 bucks an hour.
You are believing the wrong people when you say 'it's just shit jobs nobody wants'.
As far as punishing the companies for hiring them, that's exactly what they are trying to do and exactly what they are rallying against.
I mean, I wanna live in Amsterdam. I tried. They said 'it's quite a process' I said 'ok' I filled out paperwork, went in front of boards and made calls. They eventually said no, you can't move here because you will take a job away from someone who was born here.
I said 'allright I understand' I didn't just sneak in and leech of the government, and if I did why would I feel I had the right to start getting upitty?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Wow is this racist?

Marsupialized wrote:
Jeremy wrote:I can't tell. ... index.html

I was under the impression that our country had a reputation as the 'melting pot' of all different cultures/nations.

It's a melting pot, sure. All kinds of people all over the place. But we, like every other country have immigration laws. You have to go through a process. Just like anywhere else.
Crawling under a fence, getting a job, leeching off the system but paying zero taxes toward that system. Bullshit.

Fuck this illegal immigrant uprising bullshit.
Their only argument is that they don't feel like paying taxes.
They wanna come here and get all the benefits of being a citizen, but they don't wanna pay taxes.
Well, I don't wanna pay fucking taxes either!
Fuck you, illegal immigrants.
Get in line and fill out your paperwork like everyone else has had to do.

Two big things wrong with this argument:

1. You're offering a false choice to people. It would be an improvement if we could say to people - "You've come to this country for whatever reason. If you'd like to stay here, you need to become a citizen. That means declaring citizenship, filing paperwork and paying taxes. In return, you will receive the benefits of citizenship - the rights recognized under the Constitution and, should you so desire, the opportunity for legal, gainful employment commesurate with the skills you possess. In additon, there is a social safety net should you fall on hard times. But you need to sign on the dotted line first."

We don't offer that to people. Instead, we offer them a half-comprehensible muck of lotteries, bureaucratic difficulties and a willingness to have them stay so long as they shut the fuck up and clean toilets/mow lawns/take care of the elderly/bus tables/sew shirts/pound nails, etc.

I've met probably 20 or so illegal immigrants (that I know of) in the past year. None of them - not a single one - was avoiding citizenship for the reasons that you posit: avoiding paying tax. Given the opportunity to get a green card and not have to live under constant fear of deportation, they would do it in a heartbeat. It's an argument from ignorance at best. At worst, it's xenophobic and racist.

2. Sales tax.

= Justin

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