If you had to live in america where would you live

Mandroid2.0 wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:
Mandroid2.0 wrote: I apparently like my marine environments like I like my men: deep, cold, and tempestuous.

And full of seafood!

Well, then call me Hypoxia because I would prefer to remain barren of harvestable biomass in this euphemism for heterosexual relations.

Who said i was going for a metaphor?

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

If you had to live in america where would you live

I like the idea of living in NY. It's always a great place to be. People you meet there seem to have alot in common with Londoners; they're kinda grumpy & mean & opinionated but friendly & welcoming in a slightly sinister heavy drinking sort of way. But I have a feeling that actually living there might be not be so good as I imagine.

I've enjoyed Seattle too (only been there twice) & Chicago (once). These places are cool and in general don't seem to have that horrible "have a nice day!", "you're welcome", “how are you today Sir?” unnecessary politeness thing going on that you sometimes find in the states.

I would kill myself if I had to live in San Francisco... bunch of vegan-health-freak-killjoys I met there. Same goes for Vancouver.

If you had to live in america where would you live

Well, I live in Michigan right now, and have things going on that I don't want to lose, but if I could live anywhere else, I'd live in either Chicago or New York in the spring and summer and either Florida or San Francisco in the fall and winter. Hope that's good enough.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

If you had to live in america where would you live

Sebastian J. wrote:Seattle, WA
Olympia, WA
Chicago, IL
Portland, OR

yeah, I love filthy urban places, just like Buenos Aires.

I don't think of Seattle or Portland as particularly "filthy." Chicago either, except for the impoverished parts.

I like Chicago well enough... but I also like getting out! Ideally I'd be migratory... how about 6 months in chicago as home base, Southwest / West coast tours in the over the winters, a fall cabin just outside of seattle or portland and a 2-week stay in NYC every few months.


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