Coca Cola

The Devils drink...
Total votes: 15 (39%)
The Devils drink... but I like it
Total votes: 23 (61%)
Total votes: 38

Carbonated Beverage: Coca-Cola

it's with grim irony i realise in fifty years we will think coca-cola invented the white stripes.

i do not like anything the coca-cola company creates.
it is funnily enough nothing to do with my distaste for large corporations. it is instead the same reason i avoid fast food -
i consider it to be subpar in every single way. to me, coke tastes of plastic and sugar. i enjoy nothing of the experience.

unsweetened fruit juice works for me.
that is, if you think it's too early for a maker's mark.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

Carbonated Beverage: Coca-Cola

Christopher_Dragon wrote:Makes Pepsi taste like an ass midget's ass.

Yup. Pepsi to me tastes way more sugary and gross than Coke.

I enjoy Coke. I used to drink maybe a liter a day. It made me extra sleepy in the afternoon so now I might drink one can every few days. Coke contains a cubic assload of sugar.

It goes well with most whiskey based liquors.


Carbonated Beverage: Coca-Cola

i like coke a lot. too much. but it is so bad for you. once i gained way too much weight (after i quit drinking booze) and i was like "what's the fucking deal?" so i quit drinking coke/soda for 2 months. it was the only thing i changed in my diet... still ate like shit in the middle of the night, box of velvetta shells, etc... and i lost 35 fucking pounds. i then started drinking coke again and some of that came back. i also noticed that after i gave up coke i hated the taste... it took "getting use to it" again to reform my addiction.

Carbonated Beverage: Coca-Cola

soup alex wrote:I don't like Coca Cola at all. It is disgusting, and I can feel my teeth burning/softening when I drink it.


Bottled water by Coke? Does anyone else remember this?

Yes, Coke, or any soda product, is disgusting to me. I haven't bought a single one in over 10 years.

Coke still sells bottled water. It is called Desani....

Also, has anyone here tried or seen the new Coca Cola "Blak"?

I saw it at the store the other day, but I don't know anybody who has tried it. I read the label and apparently it has "coffee extract" in it.

Even though I will hate it, I intend to buy one to check it out...I just have to know!
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