Pad Thai: Does anyone actually find it to be Crap?

Total votes: 2 (8%)
Total votes: 22 (92%)
Total votes: 24

Food: Pad Thai

Cranius wrote:
Michael Gregory Bridavsky wrote:
Pure L wrote:Oooooh.

Especially with fresh squeezed lime.

yes. The crumbled peanuts kill me too...

My wife makes it roasted cashews(?). Tastes even better, I'll try and find the recipie when I get home.

Not Crap

please do...

thanks CJH

time to score bonus points with the lady friend.
Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

Food: Pad Thai

Michael Gregory Bridavsky wrote:but the Pad Thai at Penny's Noodles in Chicago is equally remarkable. so... N/C


There are only two Thai restaurants I've been to that are on my "banned because they're terrible" list. Penny's, and Thai Lagoon. Both of these restaurants were given multiple chances, and failed to ever provide a *good* meal.

There are so many places in Chicago that do great, great Thai food. Penny's is so not one of them.

Pad Thai is great. Love it. And it's a good litmus test for a new Thai restaurant. I have only ever been to two Thai places that made a Pad Thai that wasn't delicious.

I love the Pad Thai. But normally, I go with either the Mussaman Curry, or the Pad Khee Mao. Usually the curry.

Thai food RULES!!
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